Chapter 3: Oh how I wish that was me..

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Heather's P.O.V:

I walked down stairs and headed into the kitchen and I started helping Gina prepare dinner. I made a cucumber salad and mash potato's along side her Chicken Schnitzel.

"Dinner's ready" I shouted from the bottom of the stairs.

Okay so i just found out Beau likes this girl and by the way he spoke about her, he might even love her. I'm upset because of obvious reasons. Maybe i should just give up on Beau, we are at least 2 years apart, he will never feel the same way about me. I was gonna confess my feelings for him just before but then he spoke about a girl so I decided to shut my mouth and accept the fact that he isn't interested.

I sent my dad a quick text telling him i was having dinner here and I'd be home later. I then joined the boys and Gina at the table. I sat across from Beau and next to Luke. I wasn't that hungry but i had some salad. I looked into Beau's perfectly textured green eyes, after a bit I noticed I was staring so i looked down and continued to eat my food.

"Give up Heather" I kept telling myself. Later after we cleaned the dishes we went and watched a movie. Thats when i got tired and i thought i'd just close my eyes for a bit.

Beau's P.O.V:

We were sitting on the couch and watched 'Grown Ups', half way through the movie i looked over at Heather and noticed she was fast asleep.

"Mum, Heather's fallen asleep, what do I do?" i asked mum.

"Beau, can you carry her home? I would allow her to sleep here but she has school in the morning."

"Okay" I said. I threw on a jumper as it is cold outside, i picked up Heather's body and noticed how light she was. Mum had called Peter (Heather's dad) and told him to leave the door open for me. I walked over to her house and like i was told the door was open.

Peter was sitting on the couch "Hi beau, Just walk up and pop her in her bed" he said in a tired voice.

"Okay" i replied, i walked up the steps and walked into Heather's room. Everything was neatly put away so i could walk in the room with ease. I laid her down on her bed and took her shoes off. I put her blankets over her and just looked at her, She looked so cute when she slept.

I kissed her forehead and whispered in her ear "I love you Heather" and i walked out of her room, closing the door behind me.

Heather's P.O.V:

I was woken by the cold wind, I peeked through my eyes and noticed I was outside and being carried by someone. I knew it was Beau as i could smell his rich cologne. His arms kept me warm. I then noticed a change in scenery. I was in my house and was carried up stairs. Beau placed me on my bed and i shut my eyes.

He kissed my forehead and then whispered magic words in my ear that i thought i would never hear "I love you Heather" I prayed I wasnt dreaming.

Beau loves me.

With a smile on my face I drifted off to sleep.

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