Chapter 15: Back Together

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Heather's P.O.V:

I woke up because someone was shaking my shoulder. I couldnt make out who it was but it was a male figure. "Beau?" I questioned. He helped me up and turned the light on. Slowly my eyes adjusted to the light and Beau was standing there. I was still so angry at him for cheating. "Where's Jai?" I spat out. "He went to school" he said in a soft, calm tone. "Can you quickly get ready I need to show you something extremely important but you need to be ready soon" She obeyed my wishes and got ready. She hopped in my car and I sped off hoping that girl was going to be at the parked like we planned. Soon enough we were at the park. "What the fuck are we doing here?" Heather asked out of anger. "Come out." I opened the door for her and she stepped out. I grabbed her hand and basiclly dragged her to face the girl who ruined us. "OMG BEAU YOU ACTUALLY CAME ASDFGHJKL" The fan shouted. "Go to school" Heather yelled walking back to the car. 

Fan: Heather wait, I need to tell you something.

Heather: WHAT?

Fan: I was the girl you spoke to on the phone, I made it all up. I just wanted to talk to Beau and then you answered so I thought it would be funny to see how you reacted. Beau wasnt cheated on you, we havent even met. I'm so sorry. Please take Beau back because you were meant to be together.

I stood silent waiting for Heather's reaction, she hugged the fan. The fan had to go to school and apologised again. Heather walked up to me with tears streaming down her face.

Heather: Beau, I should have trusted you. I know you would never do this. I over reacted. I didn't even listen to hear your side of the story. You probably hate me yeah? What's a relationship without trust?

Me: Heather I could never hate you. I totally understand where your coming from. I would have reacted the same way. We were tricked into believing something we didn't want to. I don't blame you and I hope our reationship can still stay strong, what do you say?

At that moment she stepped foward filling up the gap in between us and she crashed her lips against mine. She was on her tippy toes which I thought was extremely cute. "I take that as a yes" I said with a giggle and I could feel her smile as we kissed. "We have a whole day together, what do you wanna do?" "Beach" she said in a chirpy voice. We drove back to our houses and she went inside to get a towel and her swimmers on and so did I. We came out at around the same time time, she was carrying a beach bag that had her towel, sunscreen and sunnies and she was wearing short hot pink bordies with a white tank top. I drove us to the beach to find it moderatly full and the sun was beating down so it was the perfect time to go for a swin. We dumped our stuff on the sand and I took off my shirt.I've worked hard at the gym and I noticed it all payed off when her jaw dropped and her eyes we glued my torso. "Do you like what you see?" I asked playfully. She laughed and took off her board shorts. She then pulled off her tank revealing her gorgeous body in which I havent seen in while. Her bikini complemented her body so well. (A/N bikini link here: )

She quickly put her tank back on. "What are you doing?" I asked her and see looked down at her body. She was about 2 months and three weeks in to her pregnacy. I could tell she wasn't comfortable. "I'll just sunbake" she said. I went in for a quick dip and came out and dried off. I leaned over Heather blocking the sun from getting to her. "Hey what are you doing?" I dug my hands into the sand either side of her head and pushed my body down and kissed her. "You're so beautiful" I said. She blushed slightly. After about another hour we decided to leave because we wanted to get lunch. I took Heather to my all time favourite fish and chip shop. We took a table outside in the shade and ate our fish and chips. Heather was so beautiful, I love her so much. We went back to her house and had showers to get the sand off of our bodies. Then we had a quiet movie night. Peer walked through the door at around 8pm and was happy to see Heather happy again and he gave me the thumbs up before walking upstairs to leave us alone. Heather made nachos and we sat and watched Jackass. At around 11pm Heather and I decided to clear up all these rumors about our relationship on twitter via a twitcam. "Twitcam ft. Heather, now here is the link"

Me: Wow! 6,000 views. Okay basically this twitcam is on because I need to clear up all the rumors that are going around on the social networking sites. Heather and I had a little fall out which doesnt concern any of you. One person tried to get in between us and break us apart and it worked for a night but our love was too strong to overcome the lies. Heather and I are still dating whether you like it or not and I dont appreciate the hate she gets from the fans. She is the most amazing girl and I'd love for you all to accept her. 

Heather pointed to the screen and noticed Jai commented "WERE COMING OVER" Soon enough Jai and Luke were over and pretty much took over the twitcam. After about an hour or so we called it a night. The boys went home and I stayed with Heather. It was a good thing we both had double beds so we could snuggle together comfortably.

Heather's P.O.V:

I was lying beside Beau in my bed when I felt a trickle down my leg. I woke up almost instantly. I looked over and turned my little light on. I glanced at my alarm clock and the time read "2:43" What am I doing up. I sat up and moved my legs a bit and saw a massive blood stain. I checked my calendar. I wasn't due for another 3 weeks. Something was wrong. I shook Beau's arm. "Babe, come closer" he said in a sleepy voice. "Beau, get up, I'm bleeding" Beau didn't freak out, he helped me get changed and we left my house in silence and headed for Beau's car. The drive to the hospital was long. When I finally got there, I was checked at almost immediantly. I was stripped out of my comfy clothes and forced to wear a hospital gown. We went into the maternity ward and went into a similar room as to when I got my ultra sound. I looked up at the screen and saw our baby still there. Beau was holding my hand. I looked over at the doctor and he had a worried look on his face. He got me transferred to a normal hospital bed. It was like everything was going in slow motion, everything was happening around me. Like in those movies without sound, I was in my own little zone, no noise just slow movements. I was soon interupted when the doctor came to talk to Beau and I. He had a sad look on his face.

Doctor: When we checked up on your baby I noticed no signs of movement, I checked up on the babys heart and it was no longer beating. I'm so sorry to inform you but you have lost you baby.

I burst into tears. Everything around me had now slowed right down. Beau still holding my hand cried in his free hand. I had just lost our baby. The doctor tried to comfort me but I wasnt listening to him. Beau got up and wrapped his arms around me and held me. It was all quiet. I was crying in his chest. The tears were uncontrollable. "I'm sorry Beau" I managed to say in between sobs. He looked me in the eyes "It's not your fault. Dont blame yourself, It wasn't our time yet." Beau helped me get changed and we soon left the hospital. The doctor gave me a pill to take to get rid of the unborn baby in my stomach. As we arrived at my house I sat in the car silent. "I didn't even get to feel a kick" I said and fell into tears again. Beau hugged me as tight as he could. The doctor told Beau the gender of the baby but I couldn't bare to know. We walked back inside the house and fell asleep on the couch. I was asleep in Beau's arms. 

The next morning I woke up at around 10, It was Saturday morning. I picked up my phone off the kitchen bench and noticed my lock screen was full of notifications from twitter and missed calls from Gina, Luke and Jai. I leaned over the coffee table and grabbed Beau's phone to see the same notifications. I shook Beau to wake him up and find out what all the fuss was about. He unlocked his phone and clicked on his twitter up, he flicked through a bit and his eyes widened in horror. "SHIT!"

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