Chapter 30: Surprise Visitor

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The Big 30. 

I dedicate this chapter to all those who voted for my last chapter, I really appreciate it. I can't express enough how thankful I am for all the reads and votes.

Okay, new chapter, here we go:

Do you know those times where you see or hear or even read something that you wish you didn't. Wishing you could go back in time to either a) prevent everything from happening or b) stopping your self from observing it just so you don't have the knowledge which could benefit yourself or anyone close to you from getting hurt.

Well that's how I feel, I wish that Marty McFly wasn't so careless in leaving his car on the rail road tracks so Doctor Brown could crash into the time machine and break it, ruining my chance to go back in time to unexperience what I had just experienced.

(A/N: If you have no idea what I'm talking about I suggest you watch Back To The Future, Amazing movie, all three)

Some say in their defence that what they did or are still doing as I stand there shocked is harmless or isn't as bad. Under current circumstances, it's bad. From Beau I would expect this behavious, he is so stupid when he is drunk but from him, I didn't expect this, at all.

By him your probably thinking, spit it out, Who is he? What did he do thats so bad? In my books, what he did was horrid, in someone elses books, it mighten be as bad.

But for me, Heather, there is a line and he crossed it, by a mile.

I felt someone shaking my body, slowly my mind came back to what was happening in front of me.

"Heather, you okay?" Luke asked as he continued to softly shake my body in hope of grabbing my attention. 

Am I okay?

Okay, I'll finally explain what is happening at this party.

Beau is like completely drunk, I mean completely wasted. At the moment he is being his normal gay and having a dry humping session with his best mate Skip who is also drunk. Idiots. I'm not upset over that, Beau always acts that way, with alcohol or without.

Then my eyes move over to the biggest attraction, you wouldn't believe it if I told you. But you better believe it. My best friend Jai, I'm actually not gonna go into detail because I'm disappointed. Jai cheated on Ariana, big time. He is getting in and hooking up with this random chick Stacey, but his piss drunk so he probably won't remember a single thing. I'm disgusted. 

I never thought Jai would ever be one of those guys who would get drunk and act in this manner, I would never put him down as a cheater, I hope my eyes are deceiving me. 

Beau was practically begging every chick for a hook up but they all knew I would fuck them up if they tried. The only rational thing I felt was to go right up to Jai and slap him. And I did exactly that. I need to prevent him from doing anything else as stupid that he will regret.

"The fucccckkk?" he slurs out. I basically rip the girl off from ontop of him. I feel as if its my responsilbilty to be the brain of the idiots who get drunk. I get Alex's glass of water and pour it on Jai.

"What the fuck? Is it raining?" he asks. "Jai stop being an idiot, your potentially ruining your relationship, sober the fuck up. I'm taking you home" I hear Skip's adorable laugh "Beau your girlfriends so pissed" he says still laughing.

"Heathhherrr" he slurs out. Oh he remembers me. "I didn't know you were gonna drink" he says. Another idiot. "No dude, I mean pissed off, your in so much trouble" Skip says while chuckling.

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