11th June 2021

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Dear Danni,

Today wasnt a good day. I went to work it was all normle but by ten am i felt dizzy and passed out then when i got back home i threw up so im.not allowed back in work for this weekend. I wont have enough money this week...

i'll have to be careful with how i spend it. Essentials only not like lastweek whete i brought a £15 dress. Although it was on sale from £44 to £15 so it wasnt that bad.

But i feel like shit and i feel bad because i know how busy the weekends are and someone has to do it alone insead of having help.

I got to play with my friend though. I even met his boyfriend. I felt like i wad third wheeling though. Even if it was online.

My mother decided i cant be ill so she faked having the same symptoms as me. How pathetic im really getting sick of her. Sometimes i jusg want to grab one of my knives and just stab it in her neck whilst shes sleeping.


Dear, DanniWhere stories live. Discover now