19 december 2022

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im just gunna get into it. I am the problem. Everything about me is the problem. For starters my looks, i have achne, i have stretch marks, i have scars, i have dark circles under my eyes, ive plucked out ny eyelashes when i was stressed top ones anyway. My hair needs colouring and a haircut but i cant ring the hairdressers to book an appointment.
Two, im fat, im not skinny im not fat but i am fat like i have a pudge but i can put my hand around my wrist. I starve myself, i throw up, i overwork nyself at the gym and it doesnt go aeay because i binge snack.

Three, i am mentally disabled. Its one thing having autism but ive masked it so well i dont feel like i have anything wrong with me in that sense. I am just like everyone else because, i am sad for no fucking reason ehat do i have to be sad about? I have a place at school, i have a roof over my head i have clothes. what is there to complain about? i have an eating disorder. That is fucking apparent but no one will fo ote to help me because im loosing weight and thats great until youre a twig. Then its an issue but if you nipped it in the bus we wouldnt have that situation. I see shit that aint there when im scared or stressed or anxious, i loose my vision if im anxious. i am so fucking stupid that bring near a penut can kill me but i wanna die anyway so lemme just inhale a bag kf peanuts that wont be hard for a whale like me to do will it. No.

Four. Im pansexual, im trans masc, um demi sexual. I am a walking target.
Five. I am easily manipulated.


i am the problem.


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