22nd July

3 0 0

dear Danni,

I'm sorry you had to witness what you did. it wasn't fair to you. I should never have done that.

Or put that on you, I hope you are alright, I know you're not going to be but I wish the best for you.

The reason why I did what I did was because of a breakdown I had. I know is shitty of me to give off an excuse but that's the honest reason.

there was things I could've done to avoid it, but I didn't thus creating what happened.

next time I wont let you witness or be affected by one.

I instantly regretted what I had done when I allowed you to see that.

but I have to ask you, why wouldn't you death bother me?

you're the only person I have your disappearance effected me greatly it's more scary the fact that I wouldn't know if you had died because no one would have told me and I wouldn't have been able to do anything. if you did go though, and I did know. i'd do the thing I've always said i'd do.

if you go I go. it will always apply.

and it wouldn't just be only me that suffers after, your friends would your family would even if it doesn't seem like they would. they will. and the ones closest to you.

i'm sorry if I made you feel bad for feeling that. I just care for you a lot, I want to help you but I don't know what to do or if I'm able to do anything to help. (like if theres something I can do please tell me and i'll do it)

I love you to the moon and back ten times over



Dear, DanniWhere stories live. Discover now