9th July

3 0 0

Dear Danni,

i still dont get what happend but you said it was an episode so i'll go with that.

It was scary i felt like ive done something bad. i feel like im hurting you and i dont want to do that.

i'm incredibly sotry if I am. But you need to tell me otherwise i wont know to do better.

I'm sorry.

No matter what anybody says all the bullshit they say like 'oh do you even talk to him' bullshit.

Ignore them. Theyre   bunch kf fanny crusts.

You're doing your best and thats all.

Work was boring today. I only had one dessert to plate. It was superrrrrrr boring.

My dada is getting cremated on Monday, i still dont want to believe he's dead.

He's just going to wake up thats all.

please tell me if youre leaving discord.

i'll do better, i know i say that alot. But im really going to rey with all my best. I dont want to be  dead weight.


Dear, DanniWhere stories live. Discover now