jubilee line

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the noise is too much for a single person to cope with. 

I don't know how I manage to do it every day, with the hustle and bustle of everyday life and the impact everything has. Yet, things have to go on and I have to carry on. 

"Northern and Waterloo and City Lines, and National rail services this train terminates at Stratford station." I let out a breath of air, I don't want to go home. It's not really home anymore. Theirs so much suffering out in the world, I'm wasting my time with it. You're wasting your time with it. It's just all beginning to seem pointless. 

Why did you leave? You were the only thing bearable in this life. I hate that you left me here. I do believe this is a fate worse than death. Being stuck here on a Friday afternoon, cramped in the tube. With all that's happened, I'd much rather be dead. If I could've done something in time then I wouldn't be in this shitty situation. 

"You know I hate the city, it's not good for your health" you'd always say that when we were out of the apartment. The capital was a bad place to be, I used to be fine living in Dorchester yet, when I moved to London I developed asthma. maybe it's because of the ever-growing pollution. The fact they changed the colour of Elizabeth tower so it wouldn't look odd compared to the pollution. I'm leaving soon anyway, This won't be a problem much longer. It's comedic if you ask me, the fact they made it blend in so it would look normal instead of finding a solution to the problem itself is laughable. 

They've changed something about the platform... They've added glass barriers, with doors that only open when the train has arrived. I guess they're dealing with one issue at a time, pausing a slow death to solve a quick and painful one. It's almost like they care as they love you. If they really did they wouldn't be preventing people from going on the lines, it can be the only form of escape. I know there are more but this seems more ideal.

Why can't they just provide more help instead of blocking? You can just smell the stench of death here, it will never go away. It might be a good idea but it isn't because people still do it. They still end up doing it. 

Because the expectations are too high for a single person, we all have to look the same act the same and still perform at our best but even then our best is never enough. It will never be enough. I will never be enough. My breath starts to quicken and all the noises form into one high pitched note. 

There is a reason they put barriers on the tube lines. Why can't they put barriers everywhere? why can't they fucking help people? why didn't I help you in time? Am I that much of an idiot I didn't see the signs until it was too late until I saw your message? Am I that stupid? I could never be enough for you, you deserved more.

The train starts to come into the station it's speed hasn't slowed down yet. 

There's a reason they fail...

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