20th july

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Dear danni,

today was absolutly aweful.

Its way too hot, the power was out and i was locked in the house so i couldnt open any windows or doors.

me and josh are on and off but he's abandoned me... he's ignoring me but he's posting on insta and snap and he has somebody in his pics... i dont want to be that person but i think he's with someone else.

i went to cadets again today. I hated it.

They knew i was gone because of a berivement but dif they care? no. As soon as i came in the first thing was said to me was. "Do you really think you could get away with being off for so long? you better have a good ecxuse"

so i said "my granddad died"

the fact they said "thats not a good enough excuse.  youre a leading cadet you need to be a role modle for the younger cadets and having this much time off isnt a good rolemodle"

i just wabted to cry but i didnt.

Then because of the new covid rukes we could have the boats at full capasity.

I hated it. I was so scared.

They were so close to me ehat if i catch covid from them? then ill get really ill and i might get hospitalised. And i dotn wanna go back to the hospital.

Then when we were doing evebing colours sl we could go hoke. Everyone was late and they wernt wearing their masks they couldve easily spread it.

My mum texted ne that she wasnt picking me up so i had to walk down the allyway alone.

that allyway is dangerous to walk alone, last time i walked alone down there i nearly got stabbed.

Danni i dont know ehat im going to do. Im so scared im so fustrated. I just wanna curl up and never leave my bedroom.



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