7th october 2022

3 0 0

Dear danni, 

uh o have another councillor at college again, 

i'm working on a book, now i don't care if this one doesn't get alot of reads, my reads are decreasing anyway so it doesn't even matter. but if theirs one person that reads this book i want it to be you. 

this is my pov. 

but its in a timeline where my first attempt worked. 

this is no oc book. 

this is a fact fiction book. 

but i will be putting it as random. 

now this book is bound to be shit because i can't remember alot of my life. any thing that has happened before three years ago i cannot completely remember. is that going to add story build up? lore that i cannot see? who knows!

im trying my best to remember but i cannot do so. 

remember when i told ou i had bad news well it was a kinda miz of both. i have to move back home for a bit, i need to look after mother. she is sick and nana doesnt think she's going to get any better if you catch my drift so i have t look after her so she feels bad. 

i love you *insert four green hearts*



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