11 Agust 2021

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Dear danni,

i was watching Tokyo Ghoul and it madr me think. .

I dont wanna die.

Im scared of death, what happens after you die. does your body just sit there and decompose.

Does your mind replay all the bad actions youve done to punish you?

what happens?

i cant stop thinking abouy iy.

I dont know wgat im going to do with my future either.

Where will i live? Will i get to live my own life becaude my family keeps on saying theyre never going to let me move out 

i wanna see you fucking daily. Or something

i wanna have a family
maybe some kids
but i dont wanna give them any disordrs. I dont wanna fuck them up.

I dont know if ill ever transition.

I dont know anything and thats really scary for me.

I wanna move out ftom the UK and explore but i dont know how to do it safely.

I wanna be a streamer and fo a job i like instead of working fir dickheads. Because the place im at could be shut down forver  theyre changing owners and they get their money from selling drugs.

I wanna be able to create alot of things.

I dont want to waste my life like ive been doing 

talking to you hasnt been a waste. Its opened my eyes to much more and im truely greatful for it.

I hate the feeling that i dont know when im going yo fie, it could be at any moment. I dont ever wanna leave you.

I dont wanna die.

Im so scared



Dear, DanniWhere stories live. Discover now