10th June 2021

13 0 0

dear danni

today was a good day to begin with, i managed to sleep in until 9am i played games until lunch then did some excersize.

When she came home from work she immediatly started to put me down. She lost my rank slides for cadets.

I had a breakdown at like 6pm and she called me a 5 year old  and all the names under the sun. I ended uo not going to cadets tonight.

I really wanted to go. I miss my friend there.

You know the friend i was talking about yesterday? i talked to her more today and i asked the question. Turned out she gave me a fake name so i basically asked my indian grandmkther if theirs many white people in India now and we full on pissed ourselves laughing. Turnes out THEY FINISH SCHOOL AT 8PM THEN HAVE TK FUCKING STUDY STILL. Wtf theyve alreafy haf their summer holidays aswell. And their school starts in like may march time

im probably not going to sleep tonight.

I dont feel safe here anynorw

i keep on reading your note on here and it always hurts my heart. Im sorry i ever put you through that. Also yeh calling me Lucas feels like im.being told off -,- techniwually it fityed that situation and yee


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