12th Agust 2021

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Dear Danni,

i got my results today. I got a merit. Its higher than i thought i was going to get. i thought i was going to fail.

But compared to what my sister got. Mine is shit. She got all distinction stars. The highest you can get.

Where mine is just above a pass. Its fucking pathetic. And evrry time i grt results its alwayd the same line. ",We dont expect much from you becausr of your learning difficulties"

So they expect me to barely pass. its demeaning. I want to succed but i never will.


do you think its wring for me to wear a skirt? or dresses? Becausr theyre. Quote on quote feminine. And boys arent supposed to wear things like that. So i don't know what to do.

Because i want to pass as a boy but i want to wear skirts and pretty dresses because they make me feel pretty but if i do ill always just be a girl... and i dont like that at all.


Dear, DanniWhere stories live. Discover now