4 october

3 0 0

Dear danni

Spooky season is near its end :(

I woke up at 2:30 am. i cant sleep.

I cant stop thinking about my old friends. Maybe if i just went along with what they said they'd be my uends still.

If i didnt try to fix things the'd still talk to me.but i didnt do that.

I had to stand up for somrbody in the gc. They kicked both of us out. All of them just stopped talking to me.

I have two friends. And i have you. i don't know where i went wrong.

I dont want my friend to leave the course because ill never talk to her again. I wont have an excusr to talk to her amd we wont meet up after colege
We never have befoe so why would we now?

my attempt of making new friends completely flopped. I guess somthings were never meant to be.

, Lucas


Dear, DanniWhere stories live. Discover now