1st january 2022

9 0 0

Dear Danni,

ever since my "accident" i've been trying to act like everythingd okay. Like i'm.okay. im.not okay.

Im far from it. .
i just dont know how to word it.

I overdid it with work. Yesterday i did 8-2 tofay was 11-7 and tomorrow is 8-4. I've slipped into the bad habbit of starving nyself again. But then im not? If that makes sense. Like im ristticting myself.

Today on break i only had a drink instead of a meal. I thought i was getting better. I nearly stopped pruging. I was stopping starving myself and flooding my system with liquid. So why am i doing it again?

i'm loosing myself.

I'll try to get better. I'll try my best.

I love you 💚💚💚💚 (incase wattpad takes then out its four green hearts)



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