14th June 2021

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Dear Danni,

today was different...

it was like it used to be. He wasnt there today... i felt lonely. It's weird how feelings can do that to a person.

I feel bad for making you sad... I just didn't want to trouble you by asking for your help it feels like i ask too much so thats why...

but now I have your help this will be easier but i still feel guilty for getting you to do this.

This is makes me feel like more of a burden than usual. I hate this feeling. The feeling of no matter how much they say "hey youre fine, youre not a burden dont worry" it just makes me feel more like one. And its like theyre saying it out of pity.

i just want someone to hug right now, like a real hug  but if i do i know ill just break down crying



Dear, DanniWhere stories live. Discover now