16TH septwmber 2022

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Dear Danni,

i belive people are missunderstanding this book.

Im not making it so people feel sorry for me, this is for me and for you to communicate better, so i can tell you how i feel without making it seem like it's all me because i hate that you know? You understand where im coming from?

sorry i dont mean for that to be condersending.


it will be a while for this to get to you actually but I don't mind that, it means i don't have to talk about it for a while. That's even if you decide to bring it up.

the point of todays entry is that it's starting again. Everything is starting again. I thought i was getting better but i'm always tired, I can't eat more than a meal otherwise i will be sick out of habit. all in all i kinda just wanna die.

But i made a promise that i won't break. I've booked into a hospital, two weeks. It'll be difficult but i'll be on the right track to getting better. Hopefully.

Just you know

i love you with every ounce of my being. You are the one who shall always lighten my day, no matter when i see your notification, let it be night day dusk or dawn. You. I love you and i will forever love you in this life and the next.

Forever, Luca


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