21 November 2021

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Dear Danni,

it's been too long since i've come onto here.

So let me tell you everything thats happened. From the 14th of October.

I quit my job and i now work at mcdonalds. They pay me way more than i was getting as a professional chef.

The fact that when i was working in the resturant they would get tips and apparently share 100% with all the staff but the head chef kept it all.

I've lost more weight but i still look fat. I habe hip dips theyre so ugly. But my ass is lookin thiccc. So thats a plus.

Haha if you wanna loose weight fast thats 'healthy' learn a fucking kpop dance. Like jesus christ that made me sweat buckets.

My mother has been causing more arguements with everyone. You can tell my father is getting sick of it.

She blaims everything with the fact he's on anti-depressents. Like bitch tf. all his life he's had the religious steriotype that men have to hide their emotions. Not everyone can hide their emotions forever.

My grandma is staying over for Christmas. So that's going to be different. we didnt want her being alone this year.


we dont leave her on her own my grandad died. So it will be her first christmas without him.

Uhhhh... i got my first practiclw assesment coming up on gatau pathivier. Its puff pastry with frangiepan in the middle. Lemme show you

(pictire didnt load if ur curious just google it and imagen it shit)

this was only a practise but it needs more colour and to be even so i need to encorporate the butter more. I also need to.put more details in it.

I went to alton towers theme park for bonfire night. (Where us brits burn a fake guy because guy fawks tried to boom boom parliament)

heres some pictures

heres some pictures

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Omg i was so close to putting one of my face

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Omg i was so close to putting one of my face. That wouldve been dangerous😩

i love wickerman. Its one of my favrout(?) rides. They let ne wear my ear defenders on it because the fireworks had started and i don't react well to fireworks. But i alrwady told you why :)

i had my first session with my one to one councillor.

She was like "are you in a safe place to talk"

bitch safe? naw. Everyone was home and i aint got no door again. So next week it'll be in college.

Anyways she said something about having like oh theirs a technical word for it but its basically having suicidal thoughts but not acting on them.

i havent told her about my relationship with food and weight.

Thats not something i wanna bring up.

I know i need to because its bordering an ed. But im fine.

To be honest im probably faking this all.

we put up the Christmas decs today. I dont feel christmassy. i dont feel excited for christmas it just seems like a normle day.

I'll try and send your present out mid december early January. I wanna call or video chat when you open it.

Thats all for now.



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