3rd August 2021

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Dear Danni

sorry I haven't updated much on here, I'm not going to lie here but I forgot about it then it was a I'll do it later and I never did.

I went to go see junglecruise yesterday and it was soooooooooooooooooooooo goooood.

do you like movies?

because if you do we can have like a movie night or something on discord. :left_hand_pointing: :right_hand_pointing:


the person who is making my paci said it's going to take like a month because thy have to get someone to make the centre.

honestly I hate working, working isn't for me. Like ugh it just drains me so it takes me all week to recover and then I get drained again. it's not fair. I don't even get any holiday. Like if I could I'd work from home for the rest of my life. have my own little business but then I'd have to do my own taxes and that's too difficult for me to do. ugh I just wanna quit and not work ever again.

but then I like the money so I have to work :(


yesterday when I went ot get some boba, the guy saw my top its a duck in a banana and he said he really liked it and if I wore more funky tops i'd get a 25 percent discount every time :3

yyayaya it made me feel so happy

Always Luca


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