its over isnt it

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I know you enjoy being around thoes humans, but you are clearly above them. You are a diamond. You're just playing with them because you're bored.

But this guy is different, you act different around him. I don't like whats going on here. you met at a music paloosa. I don't get ehat you see in him. Is it his voice? I can sing.

No matter what, I'm still going to come out ontop, because we've been through so much and youve been though a shitty concert.

But here I am, alone. She went off with you like yoj wanted then you abandoned your mini gregg with us as another snub in my face that you won.

is it really over? I don't want to believe she's dead. IT WAS ALL YOUR FAULT. IF YOU NEVER CHSRMED HER SHE'D STILL BE WITH US.

our competition is over we have no reason to be at war with one another. All she wanted to do was play with you but you made her fall for you. What kind of sick mind games do you play.

She's gone...

so why can't I move on?

we fought for what we believed, equality for all. We recreated, we united for freedom yet I couldnt grasp your attention

i am able to invent new things that are bold and experimental. But who am I without my source of inspiration?

why must i doubt her? She knee ehat she wad getting into. What does this matter, the damage has been done and...her son. What do I do with him?

must I stand there and wath him go on in life with the pain your actions bring on him? It's over. Your worries are over.

our liytle battle is over, i must protect this kind and gentle soul. So yeah you won,  she chose you, she loved you and now she's gone.

It's over isn't it?

why can"t i move on?

it's over isnt it?

why can't i move on?

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