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Patience is a skill not many people have,

they loose paitients easily.

I succumb to patience alot and we all know that. Howveer you, my precious are a gift from patience itself.

Most people wpupdve given up by now but here you stand.

I know for sure you are not a creature of this ignorant morcel for life. You are something more, an angel? A higher being?

something that makes me keep patience and you hold patience like its a delicate chick whom has been released from it's cacoon shell.

patience is probably not to right word to describe your magnificance,

there isnt just one word. You cannot place a word to describe you, it will never do you full justice.

I hope you are well and i hope you look after yourself in this time.

my best wishes go out to you and thoes who surround

Dear, DanniWhere stories live. Discover now