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Charlotte's p.o.v. . .

"Maybe he needs his space. Maybe he finds me annoying. Maybe I'm too clingy! God no! I could never be clingy because I'm the the kind of person who needs at least some amount of personal space even from my boyfriend!

Maybe this isn't about me at all!

Maybe he has some problems that he doesn't feel comfortable sharing with me. But that should not be the case, keeping in mind that I'm his girlfriend and we're both apparently in love with each other.

I can't believe this is happening! It's my first relationship and my boyfriend is already tired of me.

But again, that might not be true!

Ugh! This is just so frustrating!

Why did there have to be so many complications!?" I rambled on

to a very concerned looking Sebastian.

"That's life sweetie!" He says as he pushes a strand of hair behind my ear.

It was a Friday night and Sebastian and I had decided to spend the night at my place.

Actually I didn't wanna do this sleepover thing because then it meant that I had to tell him everything that happened between  Zayn and me and that would lead to a series of unwanted tears and eventually it would end up with me crying myself to sleep and Sebastian wide awake, watching the movies which we plan to watch every time!

But he was very persistent about it this time because he didn't want me to cry myself to sleep again tonight. How sweet right!?

And yes. I've been crying myself to sleep since last four days. Since the day Zayn asked me not to contact him.

It's not like I want to cry. The stupid tear glands or whatever there is in the eyelids keep releasing the unstoppable flow of them.

"But why would Zayn keep things from you?" Sebastian asked after a moment of silence.

"My god Sebastian! That is what I've been wondering the entire time and you ask me about it now?" I say with a tint of annoyance in my voice.

"Oh yeah right" he said as if he just realized it and then went silent again.

"You know what? I'm just gonna go talk to Zayn when he comes to school on Monday!" I said breaking the silence.

"But that is, if he comes!" Sebastian says.

"Yeah right......." I trailed off

"Then I'll just barge into his house and ask him what the problem is! Because I can't live like this! It's killing me!" I say at a little higher pitch than before.

"Yeah do that! It's a perfect idea!" He says and his face lights up a bit.


"Okay so this is it! You ready!?" Sebastian asks from the drivers seat.

We were currently in Sebastian's car parked outside Zayn's house.

"Yes I think so." I say nervously.

There's no reason to be nervous I know! But all I'm worried about is the outcome of all this. This little stunt or whatever you call of mine is gonna decide Zayn and my future. It'll decide whether we'll be together or not!

The idea of not being with Zayn sends shivers down my spine. I don't think I'll ever be ready for this but I have to do it anyway so I step out of the car and make me way towards Zayn's porch.

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