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Charlotte's p.o.v . . .

Sometimes, the best thing you can do is not think, not wonder, not imagine , not obsess. You just have to breathe and have faith that everything will turn out to be just fine and that's what I've been trying to do since the past hour.

I got the result for my entrance examination of TUOC. I passed.
And that too with the second highest  grades among the five hundred and fifty students that took the examination. And I think that's amazing but there's something inside that broke the moment I heard this news.

I think it was my heart. Or my brain. But brains don't break right?
So yeah its probably my heart that is broken right now because of the fact my life here in Manchester has come to an end.
It was the best thing that could've happened to me in my entire life since I've never had very good memories of my childhood.
It's today that I wish my mother was with me to guide and tell me what to do. I'm going to have to leave everyone behind and start a new life in LA.
I called dad the moment I got this news and he was overjoyed by it and he said he was very proud of  me.

Then I called Sebastian. The phone call didn't go very well as he was still mad at me for not trying hard enough to stay but he congratulated me and said that he was happy for me and also put emphasis to the fact that he was being very selfless by saying that.

It's one of the typical Sebastian things I've learned so far. He just tries to be funny and sassy when he's sad to avoid all the drama and lectures from others about how everything is going to turn out right and stuff like that.

He said he's coming at my place in a few  minutes and that's what I'm waiting for at the moment.

I've still not told Tyler about my selection at the uni.
He's not home and I didn't wanna bother him unnecessarily. I know it's a big thing for me but somehow I am trying to avoid talking about it as much as possible.

And the last person I wanna tell this news to is Zayn.

I don't know why but I'm dreading his reaction to this. It's not like he's gonna be all sad and gloomy for my success just because he can't be with me.

I know he'll be happy about it and also by the fact that I'm getting to do what I like but there will be a tint if sadness in his voice. He loves me so much that he won't even let it show that he's hurting inside and it breaks my heart to leave such an amazing person.

Oh and even he got selected for X FACTOR and he's been extremely happy about it as have I .

At first he came home with a sad face and told me he didn't get through but then it turned out that he was only kidding.

He said all the judges loved his performance and they're looking forward to see him in the next round.
I'm glad I got that audition  form for him! He was also a little nervous about the dancing at the boot camp as he has never been the dancer type but I assured him that he'll do great and let it go for a little while.

The door bell rings making me step out of my thoughts. I jog downstairs to open the door expecting it to be Sebastian but instead it was Zayn.

"I thought you were gonna get your result today" he says looking at his wrist watch "actually it was supposed to come out exactly before an hour wasn't it? "

"Umm... yeah it was actually.." I trailed off."

"What you didn't pass? " he asks noticing my laid back attitude towards the topic.

"It's actually the opposite." I mutter while walking inside the house.

"That's amazing Charlotte!" He says grinning "I knew you were gonna pass it!"

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