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Charlotte's p.o.v. . .

It took us almost fifteen minutes to drive to the school.

After reaching there, we got out of the car and walked into the basketball court of our school. The prom was held there.

Everyone was dressed in nice clothes and I could see some of the students getting drunk already! I even saw Sloan dressed in the shortest and the most revealing dress on earth and she was surrounded by three or four guys who seemed to be flirting on full swing. So typical Sloan!

Alcohol was not a allowed in the school premises but obviously there were some little rebels who snuck some of it into the non-alcoholic drinks that the school had provided.

Jack, sebastian's boyfriend was the DJ and so even sebastian was there in the DJ both with him.

I waved at him from a distance and he waved back at me and mouthed "you look beautiful "to me.

I mouthed a quick thank you to him before walking away with Zayn.

Zayn and I walked around for a while with our fingers interwined before settling on the chairs near the bleachers.

"So are you enjoying the prom so far?" He asked putting his arm on the back of my chair.

"Yeah" I simply said.

We talked about nothing in particular for sometime before finally going to the dance floor.

Breakfree by Ariana Grande was playing.

"Omg! I love this song" I said shouting over the music and  bouncing on my feet.

"Yeah me too" zayn said putting his hands in the air and bouncing up and down like me.

Then he did a swirl thing to me and so my back was facing his front. His hands traveled down my arms to my waist and then he turned me around again to face him. We danced like that for a while before Thinking out loud by Ed sheeran started playing.

So naturally, Zayn's hands found their way to my waist and mine to his neck. We moved slowly from left to right looking into each others eyes.

Cheesy I know!

He then lifted me up a little and circled about his feet.

I let out a soft chuckle at this and he did the same.

After setting me down on the ground, zayn removed a strand of hair from my face and cupped my cheeks with his palms looking at me dead in the eyes and kissed me softly yet passionately. I immediately responded and kissed him back.

I felt so whole at this moment.

Before I had Zayn, I was doing absolutely fine. I had a nice life, good grades, good friends nice dad and everything everything I needed.

But now, when I'm with Zayn, I feel like there's more to life than just being fine. I feel like I can also be happy and feel whole.

And that was the moment I realized that I had fallen hard for this boy standing in front of me.

I rested my head on his chest and continued to slow dance. I was feeling so happy at this moment that I felt like no one in this world could ruin this moment and that's when my eyes fell on a certain being that made my heart ache and my feet just stopped moving and tears welled up in my eyes.

Oh no! This can't be happening. I thought to myself.

"Hey, are you alright?" Zayn asked but I couldn't concentrate on what he was saying  because my eyes were fixed on that person who had ruined my entire childhood!

I quickly ran out of the place into open air and tried to calm myself.

Shit shit shit! I didn't want this to happen! I thought to myself pacing back and forth and in no time I started hyperventilating.

I heard zayn call my name from behind me a few times but I couldn't bring myself to turn around and look at him for by now, tears were rolling down my cheeks freely and I wasn't in a state to show myself to anyone. I must look like a mess right now!

"Hey Charlotte!  What happened babe?" Zayn asked jogging up to me "did I do something?" He asked worry written clearly on his face.

"N-no i-its not.... its not because o-of you" I said between sobs.

"Why are you crying? What happened? " he asked placing his hands on my shoulders.

"t-that ...... t-that man in there.... he's m-my... he's my uncle.. I mean he's m-my mother's step brother" I said crying even harder.

"What man? What are you talking about charlotte! I don't understand " he said confused

"Can you just get me home?" I asked finally composing myself again.

"Yeah sure!" He said pulling out his car keys out of his pocket

" come on let's go" he said motioning for me to start walking.

The car ride was silent. After fifteen minutes of driving, Zayn pushed the brakes and killed the engine before getting out of the car.

I too got out of the car and walked to the main gate of my house.

I walked to the porch area where Zayn was already standing. I handed him the keys of the house and he unlocked the door.

I walked straight to my bedroom with Zayn following me.

"I'll just change into something comfortable " I said before grabbing a pair of pjs and a simple tee and going into the bathroom.

I rinsed my face with water and washed away all the make up that I had applied earlier.

I finally got out of the bathroom after a few minutes and found Zayn lying on my bed.

I went to him and lied down beside him.

He then turned to face me and said" care to explain what happened back there?"

"Umm.. yeah sorry for ruining your night..." I said

"Shhh..... you don't need to apologize,  just tell me what happened" he said stroking my hair.

"Alright. I'm gonna tell you everything from the starting but you have to promise me that you'll not tell this to anyone okay? " I asked him expectantly.

"Yes ofcource" he said turning completely serious.

Okay so here goes everything.........


Hey guys!
Sorry for this cliffhanger but I like it all dramatized and in complete suspense! I mean c'mon who doesn't like it like that?
Am I right or right??
Haha I'm so funny I know!
Not really though!
Okay so just in case you guys are wondering who that mystery guy is, I'll just like to make it crystal clear that it's not Tyler!
Alright so that's it!
Thanks for reading this story and putting up with my stupid author's notes!!
Bubbyee and please don't forget to vote!!!! :* :*

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