♡♡ FIVE ♡♡

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Zayn's p.o.v ...

I had detention today. Again. This time I got it for hitting some guy. Getting detention has become a regular thing now. I always do something or the other wrong. But I couldn't care less about it.

I walked into our history class and found the girl who bumped into me earlier today seated on the last bench near the window. I wondered what would she be doing here as it was her first day or so I assume. Whatever it was,   she was seated on my seat! No one ever dares to take my seat. But as it was her first day she might not be knowing so I decided to go to her and talk about it.

"Umm.. you're on my seat you know " I said to her awkwardly.

God what is wrong with me, I'm never awkward!

" sorry, what? " she asked raising her eyebrows.

" it's my seat that you're sitting on" I repeated myself.

"Are the seated alloted to everyone? "she inquired.

Why does she ask so many questions!

" no" I said. "Then I'm not getting up" she said with a straight face not even looking at me. This girl is getting on my nerves now.

"Just get off that fucking chair " I said angrily.

"I said no"

"Get off or you'll face the concequences"

" What are you, the principal?"

" no but I'm pretty much like it!"

" What are you gonna do,huh?"

And that's when  Mrs . Jefferson walked in.

"What is happening here? Zayn, leave Charlotte alone" Mrs Jefferson said looking tired.

"but she's on my seat" I argued

"Stop whining like a child and take any other seat" she said

"Fine then I'm out of here" I said walking towards the exit.

"Zayn you can't do that! Come back here" I heard Mrs Jefferson saying from behind me.

"Does it look like I care? " I said to Mrs Jefferson and walked out of the room.

Charlotte's p.o.v ...

I was shocked! Utterly shocked. How can a person talk like that to someone elder to you and that too a teacher. Today was my first day and yet I know so much about some people and by people I mean zayn and his girlfriend Sloan. Zayn is a rude selfish asshole and his girlfriend is a total bitch!

After the detention, i texted tyler to pick me up eh refused a few times but then he agreed.

After I reached home,I got a text from an unknown number. I asked the person who they were and it was sebastian.

I can pretty much say that sebastian and I are gonna be good freinds

sebastian and I texted each other for the next hour and I fell asleep with my phone in my hands.


Sorry for a crappy chapter guys !

Next chapter is gonna be better than this i promise!!

Bubbyee !! :**

Stay beautiful:*

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