♡♡ TEN ♡♡

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Charlotte's p.o.v. . .

I woke up next day still utterly shocked about what happened yesterday. I knew I shouldn't have gone to the party. This was all my fault. How could I be so stupid to go dancing with some guy I didn't even know!

It was Sunday morning so I went downstairs hoping tyler to be there so I could ask him about how did I get home yesterday.

I found him in the kitchen making breakfast.

" Hey! " I said trying to sound a little cheerful. He kept his head down and continued making breakfast. Excellent! He's  ignoring me now. " Are you ignoring me?" I asked. Again no answer. " why the hell are you ignoring me tyler?" I asked getting annoyed.

" I don't like you so why don't you just quit talking to me" he said with a straight face.

"What did I do? " I asked confused

" which part of 'quit talking to me' did you not understand? " he said making the quote sign with his fingers.

I was trying to nice here but he just doesn't seem to understand.

" you know what, even I don't like you very much. I'm just here because dad forced me to. I don't have any interest in putting up with your rude and arrogant ass!" I almost shouted.

"Whatever " he said totally annoyed.

" I just wanted to know how I got home yesterday" I said rather softly this time.

" I brought you home yesterday when you were passed out in that basrard 's arms." He spat.

Okay, now I get this. Tyler thinks that I went with zayn yesterday and something happened and I passed out so he had to call tyler to take me home.

" Oh so this is what its all about!" I said putting my hands in my hips.

"You should not jump to conclusions when you don't know the exact situation"

" What are you talking about ?"

" about yesterday "

"What about yesterday? "

" you know what "

"No I don't... okay maybe I do. So what about it?" He asked

"I wasn't with zayn yesterday" I clarified.

"And you want me to believe that? He asked.

" yes" I simply said.

" So how did you end up passed out in Zayn's arms if you weren't with him?" He asked raising his eyebrows.

" I'll tell you if you promise me that you'll not get mad at me" I said.

"I'll think about it" he said with arrogance.

"Fine. So what excactly happened yesterday was that I went dancing with some random guy that I didn't know. Then I realized that he was drunk and was trying to get in my pants so I left. But when I got outside,he followed me and pulled me into an ally way and he.... " I stopped speaking for a while feeling uncomfortable.

" I'm sorry charlotte, I didn't know" tyler said coming closer to me and putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Let's just say that if zayn hadn't reached there in time, I would've lost my virginity. I just remember zayn kicking him in the balls and then I passed out" I completed.

Tyler just sighed.

"Zayn's not as bad as you think he is" I finally said with a little courage I had built up.

"Yes he is" tyler said.

"Look I know that he may seem like some sort of savior to you right now, but trust me... he's a perverted asshole. I know things that you don't !"

Okay.. now is the time to ask him about the 'secret'

"What things?" I asked innocently.

" I'm not supposed to tell you"

"Please?" I asked

"Fine" he said " zayn and I used to be best friends since kindergarten. We were so close that we even shared underwears" he chuckeled at the memory. " people used to swear on our friendship. So you can imagine how inseparable we were. Then when we were fifteen, I caught him making out with my girlfriend. Her name was Gretchen. She was the only girl that I ever loved. But my best friend made out with her." He said anger filling his eyes. 

" I'm sorry! " I said trying to calm him down.

" it's okay" he said.

"But Gretchen was a bitch then" I said realizing that it was Gretchen ' s fault also.

"No she wasn't, zayn was forcing himself on her" tyler said disgust filling his voice.

" oh" was all I could say.

Sorry guys for a short chapter!!!
Btw my instagram : devanshi_1d
Nd my twitter : xoxodevanshi_1d
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Bubbyee lovelies. .!! :**

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