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Charlotte's p.o.v. . .

"Ha! I always knew you guys weren't gonna last for long!" Sloan says sitting next to me .

Yeah you heard it right. SLOAN was sitting next to ME!
Well, in the last few days, we started texting each other became kind of best friends and stuff.

Just kidding! That could never happen! Sloan was sitting next to me because unfortunately, she was my chemistry partner.

"What are you talking about?" I tell her, opening my Chemistry text book trying to ignore her question.

"Oh pah-lease don't act dumb! The entire school knows about your break up with Zayn!" She says taking her book out as well.

"What!? How does the entire school know about it!? And plus we've not even broken up officially!" I say looking at her.

"You guys have not been spotted together since about a week now! What do you expect people to think huh!?" She says, rolling her eyes in the process.
"Whatever! can't you just mind your own business!?" I mutter under my breath getting frustrated .

It's been a week since that incident with Kevin and I've not talked to Zayn after that.

It's killing me to resist myself from picking up my phone and dialing Zayn's number on it!

I miss him so danm much! And even he has tried to contact me, and by contact I mean I get at least a thousand missed calls from him every single day! Like literally!
He even tries to talk to me in school but I just ignore him.
I feel so so bad about it but I can't help it. He has to know that what he has done is absolutely wrong.
I can't just forget everything and start talking to him like everything is just fine.
No matter how much I want to!
And about the break up thingy, I'm not really sure where Zayn and I stand at this point.
Its like I don't talk to him but still I haven't actually broken up with him.
I probably should or maybe not.

But i think I would've done it by now if I really wanted to.
No matter how much of a druggie or a smuggler he may be, I'll always love him and I can't afford to lose him that's for sure!

"Miss Knight! Stop day dreaming and answer my question!" Our chemistry teacher shouts making me step out of my thoughts.

"I'm sorry, wh-what question?" I ask absolutely unaware about whatever that's being taught in the class right now and everyone around me chuckles.
Then Mrs Jefferson asks me the question and I answer it smoothly.
I might not be paying attention in class right now but my disturbed life got me me studying hard for the last week in an attempt to stop thinking about the things happening in my life.

The rest of the class passed in a daze without Sloan bothering me.


" Charlotte, wait!" I hear Zayn shout from behind me.
And obviously I don't.
I just quicken my pace and keep walking towards my car.

"Charlotte please! Don't do this!" He shouts again.

This time I turn around and shout back" it's not me who did anything!"

It's a good thing that everyone has already left and the parking lot is absolutely empty so no one can hear us.

"Look Charlotte, I know what I did was wrong bu-"
"Good that you know!" I cut him off as I finally reach my car.

I'm about to open the door of my car, but Zayn pushes it close and that too harshly.
How did he get here so fast!?
I'm a little taken aback at this but I don't say anything.
"What's it gonna take to get you back huh!?" He says panting a little.
"You know that very well Zayn!" I say softly this time.
"But Charlotte I would've have left Kevin and his company way before all this happened if they would've let me! Don't you understand? It'd not that easy!" He says putting his palms on my cheeks.
"Are you saying that you want me to forget everything that you've done and take you back like it's no big deal? " I say getting a little angry.
"No Charlotte, that's not I want you to say.... I umm..... I dunno really. Just try to understand my situation here.." he says looking away.
He then takes his palms off my cheeks as it was getting a little sweaty and waits for me to reply.

"What is there to understand? Okay I know that you are stuck in this situation and it's not easy for you to get out of it but what about the lying part huh? You could've atleast told me about it. We could've talked about this in a civilized manner instead of me finding it out like this! And plus I would've talked to Kevin to let you out of this mess." I say adding the last part a little later.

He just laughs dryly at this.
"You know what? This is why I didn't tell you about this. I knew you'd do something as stupid as 'talking to Kevin ' " he air quotes.
"How am I the stupid one here mister? It's you who got involved in the business in the first place! "
I say crossing my arms over my chest.
He keeps his hands on my shoulders and says " Charlotte, baby these people are not just some regular little drug dealers! They do business on kind of a big scale. More like in the few cities nearby. And plus drug dealing is not their only business!"

"What do you mean 'not their only business' ? " I ask, confused.

"I mean they've got other businesses like umm... you know... prostitution and stuff like that and I didn't wanna risk you meeting Kevin because of that." He says looking me in the eyes.

"Pr-prostitution? You mean like trafficking in women?" I ask shocked
"Yeah" Zayn says breaking his eye contact with me and looking in the other direction.
"Zayn are you..... are you involved in that too!??" I ask as my heart beat increases.
Please say no! My inner voice says horrified.
"God no! Of course not Charlotte! Wh-who do you think I am?" He says and I let out a sigh of relief.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that I just thought that you..."

"I'm not as 'out of line' as you think Charlotte! " He says cutting me off and also slightly angrily.

"Yeah I'm sorry. Okay so I've got to go! Tyler's probably waiting" I say as I open the door of my car and sit in. It takes all of my strength to restrain myself from giving Zayn a good bye kiss like every time.

"Is that it? What am I supposed take that as?" He asks placing his hands on the place where the window and the door meet.

"You're not supposed to take that as anything Zayn. Just come back to me only after you're completely out of this horrible business. " I say as I start the ignition of the car.
"Please Charlotte just take me back already! I promise I'll get out that business as fast as I can" He says.
"I'm sorry Zayn." I say as I'm about to start the car.
"But I love you Charlotte! " He whispers.
"And I love you too Zayn!" I say as I drive off to my house without listening to what he has to say.

'I leave the place with a heavy heart' would be an understatement because my heart weighs more than a ton right now!

After a week I've talked to Zayn and it feels so good! I'll finally be able to sleep at night now!
And I think it's not long enough till he finally gets out of this business of his and comes back to me!
I just hope he gets through with it safely.


Hey guys!!
Okay so my exams are finally over!Yay!! Woohoo!!
Oh and zayn tweeted today! Isn't that amazing! ??
I think we should all support him in whatever he's planning to do and give him all our love!

So yeah that's it!!
Bubbyee and keep voting!

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