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Charlotte's p.o.v. . .

Since the day Zayn told me about what had actually happened between him and Tyler, I made it my mission to mend their relationship.

I had to do this because those two were the most important part of my life now.

And if they both forgive each other, then maybe Tyler wouldn't be so much against Zayn and my relationship.

So I started off with the most obvious thing that I could do about it i. e- by telling Tyler what I know.

I know that Zayn must've tried doing the same thing and Tyler must've shooed him off but I had to start with the basic steps and so that's what I did.

I just went to his room before leaving for school the other day and told him all that Zayn had told me.

And as expected, he did not believe me and walked away from me. I tried convincing him some more but it was all in vain.

Nothing that I was doing was helping so I told Sebastian about it.

He suggested that the best way to sort this out was to make Zayn and Tyler talk to each other face-to-face about this situation and I thought it was a good idea so I talked to Zayn about and this is how it went..

"Hey Zayn! So I thought about what you said the other day.... about Tyler and your fight and stuff......." I trailed off expecting Zayn to realize where this conversation was going.

"What about it?" He asked raising his eyebrows with a little suspicion.

"So I was thinking that why don't we give it a one last try! I mean your friendship!" I said cheerfully.

"Umm no! I don't think that's happening baby!" He said crossing his arms over his chest.

"But it would be so awesome if you two got along like you used to before! I don't know how deep your friendship was but, from what I have heard, I'm pretty sure that it was really deep!"I said with expectant eyes.

"It was deep but it wasn't real!" He said looking down

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"What I mean to say is that if our friendship was real, then Tyler would've trusted me instead of Gretchen!" He said.

"Look, I know it's hard to understand but Tyler was in love at that time. And when you're in love, you often fail to see what's wrong and what's right. And that too when it's about cheating in a relationship. And I'm sure that at some point Tyler must've thought that maybe you were right but then he would've forced himself to believe what the love of his life said just for the sake of not losing her!" I completed letting out a sigh.

"I don't know Charlotte.... even if I talk to him about this, I still have that feeling that he wouldn't believe me. And plus he also thinks that I'm a pervert that uses girls just for sex which was partly true until I met you. And that is one of the reasons he is so much against our relationship" He said running a hand through his hair.

"And that is why I want you to talk to him. If you convince him that you're genuinely a good person then maybe he'll finally be able to accept us. Please do this! For me!?

For us!?" I asked with puppy eyes.

He stared at me for a while deep in thought and then finally replied a simple "fine" .

I jumped with joy and hugged him tightly catching him off guard.

"Okay okay calm down! I'm doing this just for you! If Tyler tries to annoy me or mock me, I swear to god I'll hit him so hard that he'll never be able to stand properly!" He said letting go of me. Well actually I let go of him but whatever!

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