Chapter 52

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We are on our way back to Lisa's apartment after picking up some drinks and snacks that we need for the movie and chill that we planned. We haven't done this in a long time, and after the hectic and exhausting months at work this is everything we need.

Because our girlfriends are bestfriends, we get to hang out together since Lisa and Jennie became official. It's as if we've been able to build new circle of friends. It's more fun to hang out with these three crackheads, we always had a great time because of their silliness and I hope Mino is here to meet them as well.

Lisa was already at the apartment when we arrived. They're preparing the food Jennie cooked, while Jisoo is in the living room, putting pillows on the couch and on the floor, her favorite spot.

"Hey" Lisa greeted us carrying the tray with chicken to the living room, Seulgi and I just nod as a response

I handed the beverages to Seulgi and placed them in the refrigerator, telling her to join Lisa and Jisoo in the living room while I assisted Jennie with the cleanup. We leave the kitchen after a few minutes and go to the living room, where the two are making fun of Jisoo.

We settled in so that we could begin watching the movie; I snuggled between Seulgi's knees and leaned my back on her chest, we also opted to sit on the carpeted floor and join Jisoo. Lisa's head is resting on Jennie's lap while she lies on the couch.

"Yah! Start the movie now we're all set" Lisa tapped Jisoo on the shoulder, and the latter ran over to grab the remote and begin setting up the drive to play.

We were all silent and concentrating on the television, waiting for the movie to begin. Jisoo pressed the play button, but the screen remained black and we were unable to hear anything. Lisa requested that Jisoo turn it up to maximum level so that we could hear it well, presuming that the problem is with the movie's sound.

"Yah! Why is there no sound and the screen is completely black? Are you sure you pressed the start button?" Jisoo was questioned by Seulgi.

"Man chill! Maybe the opening scene of the movie is night time. Jeez!" said as he turned up the volume.

We hear sounds of— moans? as Jisoo gradually increases the volume. Really? Is it a pornographic film or an action film? This three release a light giggled because of the sound while I'm in the midst of my thoughts.

"Yah! I assumed this was going to be an action film, so why are there only moans in the first scene?" I enquired.

"Yah! Can't you simply sit there and watch?! God, you have a lot of complaints!" Jisoo said, her palms on her temples.

Aaahh! Ahhh! Yes baby there! Fuck me hard!

Those were the very first words we heard. The screen is still dark, which could be due to the fact that it is a sexual scene. As the groaning continues, the lamp shade opens, and my eyes widen as I glimpse the movie's characters.

Lisaaa! Ahhhhh! Ahhh faster baby!  More yeah!

"Lisa?!" Jisoo spoke with a puzzled tone in her voice.

"Dahyun?!" Seulgi uttered pointing to the woman on all fours

Hearing Lisa's name and seeing her face on TV fucking a woman on all fours made my ears numb. The camera appears to have been hidden in a location where it can capture what they're doing. It felt as if time had stopped, and we were all taken aback by what we were seeing. With our eyes widening and mouths in gaping, I gazed at Seulgi and Jisoo. When we heard Jennie yelling, we all came back to our senses. She's in front of Lisa, her hands trembling, her breathing heavy, and her furious eyes fixed on Lisa.

"What the fuck is that Lisa?!" She yelled pointing her finger at the TV

"Fuck Jisoo I said turn off the TV!" Lisa screamed while gripping Jennie's arms. She appears scared, and the corner of her eyes building tears.

Me, Seulgi, and Jisoo are still stunned by what is happening, everything happens too fast for us to anticipate. Lisa is still seated on the couch, her head down, her hand in Jennie's, the latter stroking her temple with her eyes closed, preventing tears from flowing.

"A-ah, I think we should go?" Jisoo said breaking the silence. We're about to walk away when Jennie shouted

"No! You're going to stay and hear what your jerk friend did here!" She yelled, causing us to stop, and she took her hand away from Lisa "What the fuck is that, Lisa?! What exactly does that stupid video mean?!"

"Honey please calm down first" Lisa pleads crying

"Please tell me it's not you. Tell me the video isn't true, Lisa. Please tell me!" Jennie muttered hoarsely, casting fast glances at Seulgi and Jisoo, hoping that everything was a joke and all in good humor, but the two wore blank expressions, indicating that they had no idea what was going on.

While waiting for Lisa's response, I felt my lungs stop breathing. Seulgi took my hand in hers to calm me down after noticing my rapid breathing. We're like viewers at a drama filming, but this is different since we can sense the tension between the characters. We can sense Jennie's hope that the video is just edited and it's not Lisa, while Lisa is unable to speak and rubs her hands together as tears flow from her eyes. When I saw Lisa kneeling in front of Jennie, rubbing her hands in a pleading way, I closed my eyes.

"I--I'm sorry hon.. I-i di-idn't mean to do it" Lisa uttered which made Jennie cry and fall on her knees.

"Why Lisa?! ", Jennie exclaimed, her fingers grasping her chest. "What did I do wrong?!" She cries

I felt as if the world had come crashing down around them, and I couldn't bear seeing them like this. I'm not sure why Lisa did it, but I'm certain she broke Jennie's heart, the heart that has never let anybody else in but Lisa.

"I'm sorry hon. Please forgive me" Lisa sobs as she reaches for Jennie's arms.

"Don't fucking touch me! I'm done! We're done!" Jennie rose to her feet and entered the room.

"No! No! Honey I can't lose you. Please?!" Lisa run after her pleading

I witnessed how frustrated and unhappy Seulgi and Jisoo were when they let out a deep breath as if they had stopped breathing during the scenario. I encircled Seulgi's waist with my arms, and she encircled my torso with hers. While the two are still inside their room, we sat on the couch, waiting to see what would happen next. Behind the walls, we can hear Jennie yelling, hurt and outraged.

After a few moments, we noticed Jennie leaving their room with her luggage and heading towards the apartment entrance, with Lisa pulling her hand.

"Honey please don't leave! I can't imagine my life without you!" She sobs as she clutches Jennie's wrist.

"Don't touch me Lisa!" Jennie said and throw Lisa's hand away from her

"Honey please!" Again she grabs Jennie's wrist

Jennie confronted her and slapped her across the face, causing our eyes to widen. "I told you don't fucking touch me!" pointing Lisa with her index finger "You can't ?! We're done, Lisa, so you should learn how to do it! You can now fuck as many girls as you want! I hope they'll satisfy your raging hormones!" She murmured this while brushing her tears away.

"Lisa that's enough. Give her time" Seulgi grabbed Lisa's shoulder and stopped her from reaching for Jennie's arm again.

"No! I can't! Help me please! Unnie!" She sobbed uncontrollably, clutching Seulgi and Jisoo's hands like a desperate lady. I walked away from them and followed Jennie to the elevator.

I sprint as quickly as I can to catch up to Jennie, who is now inside the elevator. To stop the elevator, I pressed the button and the door open again revealing Jennie. She's sitting on the floor, hugging her knees and crying her heart out. 

"Jennie?!" I yelled and throw myself to her giving her a hug 

"Unnie" she said as she encircled my shoulder with her arms. Her tears are streaming down her cheeks, and her breathing is heavy. I rubbed her back to soothe and calm her "It hurts so bad" she uttered in between her sobs

"Shh.. just cry it out until you can feel no more" I said gently rubbing her back "Everything will be fine, I'm here" 

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