Chapter 54

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"Lisa that's enough. You already drink too much" Jisoo said grabbing the bottle of whiskey that I'm holding

"No Unnie, just let me, I need this," I pleaded as I reclaimed the bottle. "I messed up!" I exclaimed "I'm a complete moron! Unnie, I hurt her!"

"I know you didn't mean to hurt her, and we all know how much you care about her, but drowning yourself in drink will not help you solve your problem."

"Unnie, she despises me. She left and ended our relationship. Do you think she'll believe me now? I can't afford to lose her, Unnie "I cried and felt helpless.

"Listen, Lisa, she's hurting and isn't ready to hear what you have to say, which is reasonable, just give her time to think about it. If you don't want to lose her, think how you can take her back rather than drowning yourself in booze"

I wipe the tears from my cheeks with the palm of my hand. I sat back on the couch and closed my eyes, trying to figure out what I should do next to win her back. I've sent her numerous texts and phone calls, but she has not responded. I don't know what to do, I've hurt her and now she's in pain as a result of it. I'm not going to let her go, but am I deserving of her? I messed up with the most beautiful thing that has ever happened to me, and now all I can do is cry and drink myself to death, what a jerk!

"Seulgi said they went to Jennie's apartment" Jisoo stated after she end the call with Seulgi 

"How is she doing?" I said this as I leaned forward, my elbows resting on the top of my thigh, waiting for Jisoo's response.

"Well, Seulgi said 'she looks like a shit,'" she mimicked Seulgi's words to her.

"Fuck! Unnie, I need to see her "I muttered this and stand to my feet, clutching my car key.

"Lisa not tonight you're drunk. Give her time to rest and wait until she's ready to talk" 

"But--" she didn't let me finish

"She'll not like it if you'll go there with that state, besides, Seulgi and Irene will stay the night with her so no need for you to worry" she said which I didn't protest anymore

I threw myself to the couch and obeyed her, since she's right Jennie will be upset if I go there drunk. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and checked if Jennie replied to my messages but didn't received any from her instead I got one from Dahyun.

Dahyun: did you already saw it baby? Told you we're not done yet. By the way I love how you moaned there, till next time Lisa :)

This bitch is celebrating, she already got what she want, Jennie fucking hates me now. I didn't replied to her message and throw my phone on the couch and walked inside the shower, leaving Jisoo on the living room. I'll just let Jennie breath for now but I'll make sure to win her back after this day.


After I talked to Jisoo I walked back to Irene to check if how's Jennie, though I know she's not doing fine but I hope she'll be able to bounced back. Until now we still can't believe that this is  happening but I hope everything will be fine and get back into its right places. I know Lisa will not let go of Jennie but I'm not sure if the latter will do the same, she's hurt and I understand if she cannot forgive Lisa, but I'm still hoping that their love for each other will be on top of everything.

We decided to stay the night to make sure that Jennie will be fine. When we arrived earlier she looks like really devastated, her eyes are swollen, she's wearing the same clothes, her hair is messy. If I didn't know about what happened I would probably think that we knocked on the wrong apartment. I never seen Jennie like that, even before that she was heart broken with Kai she never cried in front of her friends or locked herself, it only means that she really loves Lisa and that she's really hurting.

I just let Irene be with her in the room, I know it will help Jennie to released all her emotion which will help her, if Irene is on her side. I called Jisoo to checked also on Lisa, I told her also that its best if she will stay with that Monkey to make sure that she'll not do another stupidity.

Lisa told us what happened that night, of course we're upset too but right now what they need is a friend who will be there to comfort and support them. Lisa didn't deny anything, she said it happened but because she thought it was Jennie which I think she's really stupid not knowing the difference between her woman and a whore. She know she's at fault with everything that happened, she lied to Jennie saying that she's with Jisoo that night and not telling the truth about what happened.

She's brave admitting that she's at fault instead of making excuses and justifications of what she did, and that's what I admire about Lisa. I know she's strong and she should be because winning Jennie Kim for the second time probably more difficult than the first time. I'm hoping that they will both do the right decision for the both of them, and whatever it is we're here to always support them.

"Baby? You okay?" My thought was cut when I heard Irene

"Ah yeah. How's she?" I said and face her reaching her hand 

"She's already sleeping. I think she got tired of crying, she didn't have apetite to eat"

"Hey, don't worry, Jennie will get through this. She's strong we both know that" I said rubbing the top of her hand gently

"Yeah. Hmm, you sure you're ok to stay? You still have work tomorrow" she said and sit next to me

"Yep I'm sure. You also have work tomorrow so it's best if I stay so I can drive you home tomorrow to change and to your office afterwards" I said and put my arms on top of her shoulder

"Okay. Thanks babe" she said and rested her head to my shoulder

"What about Jennie? Is she going to work tomorrow?"

"I don't know if she can" she said shaking her head

"Okay. Let her rest she needs that. We need to take a rest too. You can sleep on the guess room babe I'll just sleep here the couch" I caress her shoulder and kiss the top of her head

"Are you sure? We can sleep together as long as you'll behave, we're at Jennie's so you better be" she said eyeing me her palm resting on my thighs

"Alright, I'd loved to sleep with you" I said and stand on my feet pulling her up and walked to the guest room to rest

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