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<S1 E3>

-Nicolina's P.O.V-

   Everyone except Phoebe and Rachel are at Central Perk.

Monica:No,no,no.They say it's the same as the distance from the tip of a guy's thumb to the tip of his index finger.

The guys stretch out their fingers.

Joey:That's ridiculous!.

Ross:Can I use...either thumb?.

Rachel:"Carrying tray of drinks".Alright don't tell me,don't tell me."Starts handing them out".Decaf cappucino for Joey...Coffee black...Late.And an iced tea.I'm getting pretty good at this.

All:Yeah.Yeah excellent.

Rachel:,Leaving to serve others".Good for me.

   My friends swap all their drinks for what they ordered as Phoebe enters sitting down without saying anything to us.

Nico:Y'okay Phoebe?.

Phoebe:Yeah no I'm just-it's I haven't worked-It's my bank.

Monica:What did they do to you?.

Phoebe:It's nothing it's just-Okay.I'm going through my mail and I open up their monthly, you know STATEMENT-


Phoebe:And there's five hundred extra dollars in my account.

Chandler:Oh Satan's minions at work again..

Phoebe:Yes cause now I have to go down there and deal with them.

Joey:What are you talking about?.Keep it.

Phoebe:It's not mine I didn't earn it if I kept it,it would be like stealing.

Rachel:Yeah, but if you spent it,it would be like shopping.

Phoebe:Okay.Okay let's say I bought a really great pair of shoes.Do you know what I'd hear with every step I took?.Not mine.Not mine.Not mine.And even if I was happy okay, and,and skipping.Not,not mine,not,not mine,not,not mine,not,not mine.

Monica:We're with you.

Nico:We got it.

   Chandler leans over the back of the couch out of sight.

Phoebe:Okay.I'd just I'd never be able to enjoy it.It would be like this giant karmic debt.

Rachel:Chandler what are you doing?.

Monica:"Puling him up".Hey.Whaddya doing?.

   Chandler tries to shrug nonchalantly but eventually he has to exhale a mouthful of smoke.

All:Oh!,Oh God!.

Ross:What is this?!.

Chandler:I'm smoking.I'm smoking,I'm smoking.

Nico:Oh I can't believe you!.You've been so good for three years!.

Chandler:And this is my reward.

Ross:Hold on a second alright?.Just think about what you went through the last time you quit.

Chandler:Okay so this time I won't quit.

All:Oh!.Put it out!.

Chandler:All right!.I'm putting it out,I'm putting it out."Drops it in Phoebe's coffee".

Phoebe:Oh no.I-I can't drink this now.

Monica:Alright.I'm gonna go change I've got a date.

Rachel:This Alan again?.How's it going?.

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