RA Meeting - 1

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Hongjoong tried his best to not say anything when Seonghwa opened the door. Just at a quick glance he could see how irritatingly neat everything was. No sane person needed to have everything that organized. A little mess was normal.

He took a deep breath, reminding himself that they had just moved in and his room didn't even have a mess in it yet so it was only fair that Seonghwa's room was tidy.

Finally Seonghwa had gotten his bag and they each headed out. The walk over was a little long so Hongjoong had not been looking forward to walking together, but he felt that he was obligated to make an effort. He also didn't think either should have to make the trek alone.

As they were walking Hongjoong noticed that Seonghwa had buttoned the top button on his cardigan in the wrong hole, leaving the middle to sag weird. He stifled a chuckle.

How could someone so well-kempt make such a stupid mistake? Maybe this meant he wasn't able to keep up with his insane standards anymore.

Hongjoong debated whether or not he would say anything. He figured most people wouldn't notice and pointing it out might make him more embarrassed. But was that really a problem? He could put him in his place by being the one who corrected him for once.

He shook his head. You're trying to make peace with him, remember? he thought to himself. If he wanted to avoid having a horrible year, he'd have to get over his annoyance with Seonghwa.

He decided that it was only fair if he knew so Hongjoong turned to Seonghwa, catching him by surprise. Hongjoong looked at Seonghwa's feet.

"Your buttons are messed up," he said as plainly as he could.

Seonghwa looked a bit frazzled and quickly looked down, fixing it.

"Thanks," he said with a shy smile.

Hongjoong felt the butterflies hit again. Just like they used to. Damn that smile.

He felt his ears heating up and started walking again.

"No problem. Figured you ought to know."

He didn't look back but expected Seonghwa would follow behind him.

He couldn't face him, feeling how hot his cheeks were. Before he had realized what a pretentious prick Seonghwa was, he definitely thought he was cute. Who wouldn't? His slight and sculpted figure, his precious sparkling eyes, his soft, pink lips...Hongjoong just felt his face growing hotter and picked up his pace.

But why did he just suck as a person? All he ever did when they roomed together was brag about his rich daddy and complain about his "rigorous" business degree. He just always acted like he was actually doing something with his life because business had a realistic path and it was obviously intended to tell Hongjoong how pointless he thought a music career was.

Hongjoong had grown sick of being put down and ridiculed daily and had to get away, rooming with his friend Chris for the rest of the year. He was from Australia so his stories were way more interesting than Seonghwa's. Not to mention, he was also hot. But taken. So no, nothing ever happened there, nor would anything ever happen there. Hongjoong respected that.

They finally arrived at the meeting and sat down in the chairs that were set up in a circle. Hongjoong saw Chris and went over to sit by him, eager to get away from Seonghwa. They'd have plenty of time to hang out these next 9 months.

"Hey mate! I forgot you said you wanted to be an RA! I'll have to give you all my best tips!" he chuckled, giving Hongjoong a hug and a hearty pat on the back.

"Yeah, definitely!" Hongjoong smiled, glad to be talking to one of his actual friends. Chris was a senior this year and had been an RA since sophomore year so he was helping lead the training. Hongjoong hoped he ended up in his group.

"Know anyone else here?" Chris asked, looking around.

Hongjoong groaned.

"Yeah, Seonghwa."

Chris looked back in concern and sighed.

"That's tough, mate. At least he's not in your building?" Chris asked hopefully.

Hongjoong groaned again.

"He's on my floor."

"Oh no."

Chris put a supportive arm on Hongjoong's back and looked him in the eyes.

"You've got this! I believe in you!" he cheered with a cheesy fist pump and Hongjoong laughed.

"Thanks," he smiled and Chris smiled back, glad to cheer up his friend.

They both sat down and Chris continued the conversation.

"You might know some of my friends here. They were freshmen on my floor last year and they're awesome. Over there is Minho and Jisung—they were roommates last year and I suspect there's definitely something more than friendship between them but it's not my place to ask," he laughed and pointed to another person across the room.

"That's Changbin. He's a super funny guy but he takes a bit to warm up to. He's a little shy and cold sometimes but I'm sure he'll make a great RA."

The boy saw him pointing and offered a small wave and Chris responded with a bright smile and a loud "Hey Bin!" which made the boy roll his eyes and cross his arms. Hongjoong laughed.

Chris patted a hand on Hongjoong's arm, pointing at a new person.

"That over there is my RA buddy this year! His name is Jaebeom, but some people call him Jay B. He seems cool—kind of weird—but definitely a funny guy! I had a class or two with him once. I think we'll work well together," he said and Hongjoong waved.
Jaebeom waved back and Chris nodded.

"Okay I think that's everyone," sighed Chris, leaning back in his chair.

"You're pretty popular," laughed Hongjoong, trying to remember all the names. He was pretty sure he forgot the first two. Was it Minsung? Or Jiho? No—Jisung and Minho! He did remember! He saw the "cold" boy again and didn't have time to remember his name before he got a questioning look back, as if asking him why he was staring like a total creep.

He decided he'd learn everyone in the room's name eventually so he stopped trying to remember them all for now. The instructor came in and things got started.

Hongjoong couldn't help but glance around trying to find where Seonghwa had ended up. He sat between a tall muscular man and a shorter man who looked a bit like a hamster. They must have been friends as they were carrying out a hearty conversation.

Hongjoong looked away, wondering why he'd even cared where he ended up in the first place? He probably just felt bad for ditching him so fast. That must be it. He wanted to make sure he found a good spot. Hongjoong continued paying attention but glanced over once more just for good measure.

He didn't know this at the time, but Chris was watching him and laughed a little at how obviously Hongjoong was watching Seonghwa.

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