roommate from hell

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Hongjoong was hatching a plan.

While he showered he thought about what Seonghwa had said about his brother.

Clearly it wasn't safe for him at home but because he was a minor, legally he had to stay there.

They could try to break away if they report him for domestic abuse but Hongjoong figured a business man had gone through enough lawsuits to know how to win. It would be an incredibly hard battle if Seonghwa didn't have the right kind of support.

Hongjoong turned off the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist before walking back to his room.

So if they were going to take him down, they'd need someone else. Someone who would be able to take care of Seonghwa's brother, at least until he could leave for college.

As he turned the handle of his door, he thought of it.

Seonghwa's mother.

Though he knew no one even knew where she was or what she was doing, he couldn't help but think that they probably hadn't been able to look that hard. With his father watching over him he was limited.

Not to mention, Seonghwa was probably angry with her. She did leave them with their horrible father.

But Hongjoong could sense that Seonghwa wasn't really that mad. He could tell that he really missed her.

If he was able to find her, maybe there was a chance she would want to help them. She probably didn't even know what happened when she left, and might even be furious.

Hongjoong would have to talk to her before she talked to Seonghwa. He needed to make sure she wasn't going to hurt him again.

Hongjoong couldn't let that happen.

As Hongjoong finished getting dressed, he grabbed his backpack and headed to class, still lost in thought.

The biggest problem was that he had no idea how to find her.

First of all, he had no name.

He was pretty sure she changed her last name after leaving and felt like it would be too obvious if he asked Seonghwa.

Second of all, he had no idea what she looked like.

Of course she probably resembled Seonghwa, but he didn't know if Seonghwa shared most of his features with his father or mother. So it wasn't a guarantee that he'd even recognize her if he found a photo.

That was potentially something he could get from Seonghwa but he really wanted to keep it a secret.

He knew that Seonghwa would probably tell him not to worry and that he could take care of it on his own.

But Hongjoong could see that he couldn't. Especially with how well freshmen year had gone.

And it wasn't Seonghwa's burden to face on his own. He deserved to be supported. He'd fought on his own for long enough. It was Hongjoong's turn to help.

He spent the rest of the day thinking of subtle questions he could ask to try to get a bit more information out of him.

Finally his last class ended and he pulled his phone out to text Seonghwa. As he was about to type, he realized this was the first time they'd texted since freshmen year.

What if Seonghwa had blocked his number? He could just wait until he got back to the dorm and ask him but he might not be there.

He decided there wasn't any harm in trying, so he sent him a message, cringing at the contact name.

roommate from hell

hey seonghwa
i wasn't sure if you blocked me on
this or not lol
i just wanted to see if you wanted to
get dinner together tonight?

He slipped his phone into his pocket and headed back towards the dorm anyway. He probably wouldn't get the message.

But after a few minutes of walking he felt a buzz in his pocket and pulled it out.

roommate from hell

i would never 😩
and also yes i would love to go to
dinner with my boyfriend 🥰

Hongjoong felt his heart explode on the word boyfriend.

yayyyyyy 💖
okay then meet me by my room at 7
then we can walk over together

or we could drive
i have a car

i wanna walk 🥰
just you and me

okay then i wanna walk too 🥰

Hongjoong smiled as he opened the door to the stairwell and made his way up to his room. Once there, he changed into a sweater and dark jeans, with a long black leather coat. He put in a few different earrings and slipped on a few rings before lacing up his black dress shoes and heading out to the hallway.

As soon as he opened the door he saw Seonghwa standing outside.

His heart leaped.

Seonghwa was wearing a pair of high-waisted plaid trainers and a mildly cropped black sweater with an oversized matching plaid blazer on top. He looked amazing.

Hongjoong smiled and Seonghwa smiled but as they were about to take hands, a voice rang down the hallway.


The two looked back to see Wooyoung pounding on his door.

"Wooyoung! Volume!" Hongjoong groaned.

"Are you guys going on a date!?" Wooyoung screamed again.

Seonghwa held back Hongjoong who was ready to murder Wooyoung and instead, approached him slowly, giving him an intimidating glare.

"None. Of. Your. Business," he said coldly, flicking Wooyoung in the forehead on the last word.

Wooyoung rubbed his head angrily but saw Seonghwa's serious expression and motioned zipping his lips.

"Thank you," smiled Seonghwa and he walked back to Hongjoong who was dumbfounded at how easily he had countered their assailant.

Seonghwa knew Wooyoung was watching but grabbed Hongjoong's hand anyway and they went down the stairs. They could hear Wooyoung trying to keep in his squeals until they were out of earshot.

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