Study Time

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Seonghwa was woken with a light shake and he quickly hopped out of the bed, panicked.

"What time is it!? How long have I been asleep!?"

"Hey, calm down. It's only been a few hours. I wasn't going to let you miss your exam. Here drink."

Seonghwa was handed a cold beverage and he instinctively brought it to his lips. It was an iced americano with six pumps of syrup. What he'd ordered on his 'date' with Hongjoong. He felt a small smile pulling at the corners of his lips.

"Thank you."

"Of course. Now, study time."

Seonghwa was surprised by the sudden energy, having woken up less than a few minutes ago but nodded, swayed by Hongjoong's commanding tone.

Hongjoong pulled out Seonghwa's backpack and all of his study material and laid it out on the bed in front of him. Seonghwa didn't know what to say.

"How did you—"

"You are the most organized cram-studyer I have ever met. Once I walked into your room I could tell exactly what I needed to grab."

"Studyer is not a word."

"Not important. What's important, is our study time. So, let's get to it."

Seonghwa got ready to pull out a pencil when Hongjoong pulled out his guitar.

"I thought you said we were going to study?"

"We are. I might be biased as a music major, but songs are the best way to memorize terms so I put them into a little song to help you learn them better. Here's the words if you want to try to sing along. I'll get you to memorize it much faster."

Seonghwa was at a loss for words. Hongjoong had taken the time to put every one of his vocab words into a song?? Hongjoong started strumming so Seonghwa grabbed the lyric sheet in front of him, figuring learning the song was the least he could do to repay him.

The first time through all Seonghwa could do was laugh at how crazy Hongjoong was and stare in awe at how well the textbook definitions fit together as a song.

The second time he really started trying to learn it and after the fifth or sixth time he was feeling he had it down. They ran it a few more times without a cheat sheet until Seonghwa nailed every line.

When they finally finished, Seonghwa's cheeks ached from smiling. No one had ever done anything like that for him.

He checked the time and saw Hongjoong had even left him enough time to shower and get ready and quickly got to it.

Once he was ready he left for class, thanking Hongjoong as many times as he could before Hongjoong pushed him out of the room.

He was feeling pretty confident now. His brother would be okay.


Seonghwa took a deep breath as he passed in his test. Hongjoong's song was running on loop in his head. He was pretty sick of it at this point but it was pretty helpful.

He couldn't believe how much Hongjoong had done for him. How did he even have the time?

It wasn't until now that Seonghwa's brain was calm enough—or awake enough—to realize that Hongjoong probably didn't sleep at all.

And he had a whole day of class ahead of him too.

He felt bad, not realizing. He had been in such a panic he didn't even consider what Hongjoong was feeling. Sounds familiar...

He was doing it again.

He got so worked up about his own problems that he threw Hongjoong under the bus and it wasn't okay. He needed to apologize, or at the very least check on him. Though he knew it wasn't Hongjoong's first all-nighter—and it certainly wouldn't be his last—he still felt guilty for being the cause of it.

Although Hongjoong had at least seemed to be in a good mood. Maybe he got some stuff done for himself too. Seonghwa hoped he wasn't the only reason Hongjoong didn't sleep.

It was pretty shitty to sleep in someone else's bed while they stayed up making sure you'd be rested.

Even if Hongjoong wanted to do it.

His class finally ended and he headed back to the dorms, walking right to Hongjoong's room.

He knocked, but there was no response. It was possible he had class, since Seonghwa had yet to figure out his schedule. He decided he'd knock again and heard a faint grumble.

Hongjoong was probably sleeping.

He felt a little bit like a creep but he opened the door anyways since it was unlocked and peeked in to see.

Hongjoong was in his desk chair, his head turned nearly ninety degrees to his right. There was no way that could be comfortable.

Seonghwa stepped inside, lightly shutting the door. He walked over to the chair and picked Hongjoong up, holding him like a baby. Though he was sure Hongjoong would find it humiliating, his heart was racing with how cute he looked.

He laid Hongjoong on his bed and tucked him in. Hongjoong wriggled under the covers as he sleepily adjusted.

"Cute," Seonghwa smiled to himself, and brushed a strand of Hongjoong's hair behind his ear. He checked to make sure Hongjoong didn't have any alarms set before moving back to his own room. As long as he didn't have any commitments, he deserved to get some rest.

After everything Hongjoong had done for Seonghwa, it was the least he could do.

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