"You mean like-KQ Entertainment?"

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Seonghwa decided it was time to tell Hongjoong about KQ. He had met with them and if Hongjoong was up for it, he could get him an audition within the next three months.

He just hoped that Hongjoong would be excited about it.

He took a deep breath and shot Hongjoong a message.


hey can we meet up?
i have something i want to
talk to you about

yeah definitely
i have something too

Seonghwa looked at his phone surprised. What could Hongjoong want to talk about? His mind started wandering and he feared the worst. Spiraling was a habit of his.

What if Hongjoong wanted to take a break? While he was preparing everything he hadn't really spent any time with him. Not to mention how much Hongjoong had been doing for him. They really weren't participating equally in the relationship. If he was mad, he had every right.

Seonghwa shook his head, trying to calm down.

It was probably nothing.

He had said he wanted to talk about something and he had a good surprise planned. So maybe Hongjoong was doing the same.

But what kind of surprise could Hongjoong have planned? Seonghwa wasn't sure there was anything Hongjoong could do to help out his business career. As dedicated as he might be, he didn't have any connections or business knowledge.

Seonghwa decided to just get dressed and meet up outside Hongjoong's door. He put on a pair of high-rise gray dress pants and a soft baby blue turtleneck, finishing it off with a pair of lightly heeled black dress shoes. He always enjoyed wearing just a bit of heel around Hongjoong because he would always pout about making him feel smaller. And he was so cute when he pouted.

He grabbed his phone and his keys and headed over to the other side of the hall, taking a quick look in the mirror to check his hair before exiting the room.

He approached Hongjoong's door and knocked lightly. After a few seconds it opened, and Hongjoong ushered him inside.

He wore a white tee with a plaid sweater and black jeans, a red beret topping off the look. Seonghwa always loved how coordinated Hongjoong's outfits were. It was pretty cute.

"Hi," he smiled, wrapping Hongjoong into a hug.

"Hi," smiled Hongjoong in return, planting a little kiss on Seonghwa's cheek which made him blush like crazy. They didn't really do kisses. They hadn't really even had a kiss outside of the car sex and the other night that Seonghwa deeply regretted.

"That was unexpected."

"But not unwanted, right?"

"Definitely wanted."

Hongjoong smiled and Seonghwa bit his lip.

Just then Hongjoong pounded his fists against Seonghwa's chest in a sort of temper tantrum and Seonghwa looked down startled.

"You know I hate it when you wear heels!" he whined and Seonghwa stifled a laugh.

"I'm sorry, I must have forgotten."

Hongjoong glared up at him.

"If you're too tall, I can't give you kisses," Hongjoong warned and Seonghwa quickly began apologizing.

"It'll never happen again I swear!"

He knelt on the ground and bowed deeply over and over, until Hongjoong was satisfied and pulled him back up.

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