He was scared

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I gotta apologize for the last chapter that was brutal I'm sorry y'all 🥺🥺🥺🥺💖💖💖💖💖

this story's gonna get a little dark before it gets light but I swear things will get better soon!!! just hold on my dudes I got you 🥺💖

okay that's all. prepare for the worst but i promise it'll get better. stay with me y'all


Hongjoong waited in the hallway outside of Seonghwa's door for him to come back. He knew that Seonghwa had wanted to be alone but he needed to at least explain the situation. Seonghwa didn't even know why he had reached out to her.

He had been there for hours calling Seonghwa but he knew he'd have to come back at some point. San had walked by at one point and asked if everything was okay. He tried to say yes but San saw through him and sat with him for an hour. Hongjoong had finally convinced him to go back to his room so he was alone again.

He heard the sound of heeled dress shoes slowly climbing the stairs and stood up, anxiously.

Seonghwa came out of the stairs and looked at him, his eyes begging him to leave him alone. But Hongjoong couldn't do it.


"Hongjoong, I really don't want to talk to you right now. I don't want to say something I'll regret."

"I don't care. I need to finish explaining myself. You owe it to yourself to hear me out."

Hongjoong felt horrible pressing it when Seonghwa looked so tired but it was to help him. Wasn't it?

Seonghwa looked defeated.


Hongjoong was taken aback. It was so easy to convince him. Too easy.

Seonghwa walked into his room and Hongjoong hesitantly followed.

Seonghwa sat on his bed, looking at his hands. He didn't say anything.

Hongjoong took a seat on the floor and took a deep breath before speaking.

"I'm really sorry, Hwa. I didn't mean to hurt you like that. I—I've actually been talking to her."

Seonghwa didn't react.

"I wanted to make sure she wouldn't hurt you and—she really misses you. And your brother. She hates herself for what she did and she wasn't going to bother you but—I insisted. It's my fault."

Seonghwa looked up at him this time.

"She didn't want to see me?"

"No—that's not what I meant—I mean she wanted to—so much—but she didn't think it was her place. She wanted to let you be. I'm the reason you're in pain and I'm so sorry, Hwa."

Seonghwa looked back down at his hands.

Hongjoong continued.

"There's a reason why I wanted you to meet her."

Seonghwa nodded slowly, waiting for an explanation.

Hongjoong tried his best to read the expression on his face but it was well-masked. All he could see was the defeat in Seonghwa's eyes. He took another breath before his statement.

"I want her to fight for custody of your brother."

Seonghwa shot up, walking towards Hongjoong. Hongjoong staggered backwards.

"She wouldn't dare talk to him."

Hongjoong was scared at the intensity in Seonghwa eyes. Why was he mad?

"Seonghwa—I wanted to help—"

"She's not allowed to see him."

"Seonghwa—he's not safe with your dad and she will be able to take him out of that house—"

"I said, she's not going anywhere near him."

"Why the hell not?"

"Because she's just going to hurt him more!"

Hongjoong was completely confused.

"Seonghwa she would never lay a hand on him."

"That's not what I meant. I meant that she can't be trusted to look after him. She left him behind once before and she'll probably do it again!"

Hongjoong finally felt everything coming together. Seonghwa wasn't mad at her—he was scared.

He hadn't opened up to her because he didn't trust her to stay.

He was scared to get attached.

Hongjoong stood up and held Seonghwa's hands in his own, looking up at him.

"I know I can't convince you to trust her, but I'm certain she won't leave you again."

"You've known her for what—a few days!?"

"Hwa, she won't do it again."

"You can't be certain. I never thought she would've left the first time but here we are."

"Hwa, she would've taken you with her if she had known what he'd do. She left you with him because she didn't have enough money to support you two."

Seonghwa pulled back a bit.

"She would've—she wanted us to—come with?"

"Yes. She thought it was more selfish to put you in a difficult financial situation just so she could keep you close so she thought she had left you with the better option. She didn't know it would go so wrong. She wants to fix her mistakes, as much as she can."

Seonghwa stared at Hongjoong and Hongjoong could see the boy that was left behind in his eyes. He couldn't stand the pain on Seonghwa's face and pulled him into a hug.

"She's going to stay this time. I promise you."

They stayed together for a while just holding one another.

"Seonghwa, could you please just—talk to her for me?"

Seonghwa pulled back and Hongjoong looked into his eyes.

"I don't know if I can. I know I want to but—"

"Then do it. You deserve to hear an explanation from her."

Seonghwa inhaled deeply and nodded.


Hongjoong felt his heart leap. They were going to meet up. Seonghwa would get his mother back.

Just then Seonghwa's phone buzzed.

He pulled it out and his eyes grew wide. Immediately he bolted out the door. Hongjoong was completely confused but chased after him, needing to know what was going on.

"Seonghwa! What's going on?" he yelled after him but Seonghwa wouldn't turn back.

Hongjoong picked up his pace and stopped Seonghwa in his tracks, staring him in the eyes.

"Talk to me. What happened?"

Seonghwa tried to keep going but Hongjoong held firm.


"Apparently my brother has been doing musical all year. And my dad just found out."

Hongjoong's face fell and he let Seonghwa go.

Seonghwa's brother was in serious danger.

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