Seonghwa's Sweatshirt

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"Hey Seonghwa hyung, how come Hongjoong hyung is wearing your sweatshirt again?"

Seonghwa felt his entire face go red. He had noticed Hongjoong had thrown it on quickly after going back to change and barely handled himself.

He wanted to think that maybe he had done it on purpose. After the night they'd had. But he was almost certain he didn't even know he was wearing it.

But how did Jongho know it was his!? And when did he see Hongjoong wear it before—shit. He remembered.

When Hongjoong was distracting Jongho so Seonghwa could sneak to his room.

But how did he know it was his!??

"What??" Seonghwa asked, barely more than a squeak.

"I noticed when Hongjoong hyung helped me with my essay the other night and I thought it was weird, but I didn't say anything."

"Oh, you mean that sweatshirt?" Seonghwa tried to laugh. "His clothes got all wet when we were looking for Yeosang so I borrowed it to him and his lazy ass didn't give it back yet."

"Okay. I guess that makes sense," said Jongho, obviously not believing he had heard the whole truth.

"I'm really sorry about that by the way," said Yeosang quietly and Seonghwa ruffled his hair.

"It's okay. I can deal with Hongjoong for one night."

"Can you guys be quiet? I came here for silent time and it's very loud at the moment," groaned Mingi and Yunho gave him a soft shove.

"They're spilling tea, and I'm trying to listen," he whispered and Mingi nodded, realizing he would join in too.

Seonghwa rolled his eyes.

"There's no tea it's just that he needed dry clothing."

"Whatever you say, hyung," smiled Jongho.

Seonghwa gave up and decided to shush the group again, wondering how Hongjoong's room was doing.

"So Jongho told me that's not your sweatshirt."

Hongjoong turned his head instantly, to stare at Wooyoung in confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"He said it's Seonghwa's. And that that's not the first time you've worn it."

Hongjoong had no idea what they were talking about until he looked down and realization struck him.

Shit. How had he accidentally put on Seonghwa's sweatshirt!? He should have just returned it that night!

"Yeah, but what's the big deal?" he asked, trying to seem as nonchalant as possible.

"So you admit it? You're like, dating?" Wooyoung screeched and Hongjoong jumped forward to cover his mouth.

"No!!! Don't just yell things like that!"

Wooyoung calmed down and looked at Hongjoong pleadingly until he released him. Hongjoong sighed.

"It's not like that at all. It was just that night that we went to find Yeosang and it started raining and—"

"We know all the juicy details, hyung," smiled San and Hongjoong flashed him a look as the other freshmen became interested.

"Not. Here," Hongjoong whispered and yanked them out of the room.

He walked down the hallway towards the bathrooms and stopped, feeling satisfied with the distance.

"What the hell are you talking about!?"

San and Wooyoung looked at each other and mimicked zipping their lips.

"Spit it out."

They looked at each other again and Wooyoung sighed, unable to hold back the juicy secret.

"We know that you and Seonghwa fucked in his car."

Hongjoong scrambled forward to cover his mouth again, glancing into the bathroom for signs of human presence.

"Wha—how—who—how did you hear about that?"

Wooyoung pointed a finger at Hongjoong's hand on his face. Hongjoong sighed and released, warning him with his eyes not to be so loud this time.

"Seonghwa told us."

Hongjoong felt a mild rage building in him.

"He told you?"

"Well he didn't really tell us," sighed San elbowing Wooyoung in the side.

"Fine, we figured it out. He was taking us to get coffee in his car but we noticed that the seats were wrecked."

"And I noticed that the driver seat was especially there were at least two people in it," San added.

"Not to mention Seonghwa said he brought his 'friend' back here, so we kind of figured it was someone who lived on our floor."

"So you used some freaky detective work to decide all of this? Seonghwa didn't actually tell you?"

Hongjoong was calming down realizing the situation was out of Seonghwa's control.

"I mean eventually we knew enough to get him to admit it but no, he didn't."

Hongjoong sighed. He leaned back from the two who were still smiling evilly.

"Well, I guess I'm glad I know that you know. So—wait you've known for weeks now!? Is that why you've been staring at me creepily whenever you see me?"

"No, we just do that to everyone," said San and Wooyoung nodded.

Hongjoong shook his head and began walking back to his room.

"So like, are you guys dating?" Wooyoung asked and Hongjoong just responded,

"None of your business."

He heard the two of them giggle excitedly and realized he probably should've said no. But he honestly didn't even know. Were they? He kind of wished they were.

He figured they would talk about it tonight. But he was very nervous. It would be a tough conversation. But it needed to happen. He needed to know how Seonghwa felt.

To see if maybe, just maybe, he felt the same.

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