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Seonghwa laid in his bed staring at the ceiling of his dorm room.

What a night.

His heart was still fluttering from singing in front of everyone. He hadn't done that since his middle school musical days.

But everyone had cheered when he was done and he couldn't help but feel a bit of pride. Ever since his dad had set him on the path for business he hadn't really gotten a chance to explore his music interests.

But now he wouldn't mind singing again. Especially if Hongjoong was playing.


He pressed his pillow into his face, groaning.

Why did he have to look so attractive with the pick between his teeth, his gaze down on his delicate fingers as they strummed the guitar.

Seonghwa pushed away the thought, instead focusing on how he was still not over the fact that Hongjoong put him on the spot.

How did he know he could sing? He couldn't remember a time in their dorm when he'd ever sung in front of him. He couldn't even imagine it.

Too many questions circled his mind and he decided to give it a rest, turning on his side to sleep.


Hongjoong placed his guitar back in the case, feeling smug about the success of his plan.

He could easily have prepared something with Seonghwa but putting him on the spot just seemed more satisfying to Hongjoong. He felt a little bad but he also knew Seonghwa would be fine. He just wanted to startle him a little.

He was also thoroughly enjoying the fact that Seonghwa had no idea he knew about his singing voice. He'd first caught a glimpse of it when he went to shower and heard someone singing quietly but it was incredible.

He didn't want to be a total creep so he took his shower after listening for a minute or so but he plotted to figure out who the individual was.

It wasn't until he had gone to take a shower after Seonghwa had left—though he hadn't expected it to be him, he just forgot that he wanted to shower as well and Seonghwa inspired him—and heard the voice again.

He almost couldn't believe it and might not have believed it if he hadn't seen Seonghwa's signature Toothless robe poking out from the stall.

He had held on to this information planning to use it against him someday and was glad he finally did it. He had almost forgotten, honestly.

It made him smile evilly to think of Seonghwa tossing and turning over it, wondering how Hongjoong could possibly have found out.

Although as much as he wanted to be smug, he was still a little mad that his voice was so good.

First of all, it definitely outshone his guitar. Hongjoong had to bring the pick out just to match his volume and fingers were quite sore afterwards.

He had hoped that catching him off-guard might make him mess up a little but his performance was utterly flawless. All Hongjoong had done was make Seonghwa look better.

But through it all, Hongjoong was secretly glad that he got to hear that voice again. It had been almost a year and Hongjoong had never heard anyone sing better. Hearing it sent back a rush of memories, and it had Hongjoong feeling nostalgic. Even though most of the memories were pretty shitty.

He sighed and crawled into his bed, looking out the window at the night sky. It was a view he hadn't been able to see last year and he was still adjusting to it. It was nice to even be able to look out the window without feeling like a creep.

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