Hop in

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Seonghwa rushed back into his room and grabbed a pair of shoes and his car keys before heading down to try to catch Hongjoong. Clearly he planned to wander around outside aimlessly in the middle of the night. But Seonghwa had a car that would function much more efficiently. Not to mention, it was supposed to rain that night.

Seonghwa got down to the main floor but Hongjoong was nowhere to be seen. He must've taken off running as soon as he was past the dorm rooms.

Seonghwa sighed and ran to his car, starting it up and heading around campus.

After about ten minutes of driving he finally saw Hongjoong looking absolutely lost. He rolled his eyes and pulled up beside him.

"Hop in," he said, indicating the seat beside him.

"Seonghwa? How did you—"

"Just get in the car. It's a lot faster than walking."

"No thanks. I'll be fine."

"Hongjoong, it's going to rain soon!"

"That's okay, I'm just wearing pajamas. I'll be fine."

"This is your last chance! If you don't get in here now I won't pick you up later when you're wet and freezing your butt off. My upholstery is leather so I can't have you ruining it."

Hongjoong scoffed.

"You never fail to surprise me, Seonghwa."

"Excuse you, I'm the one offering a ride to the man aimlessly wandering the streets. If you get in we can cover more ground," Seonghwa said, his temper rising. How was he not winning this argument?!

"Actually majority of campus isn't drivable so I think I'll cover more useful ground on my own. But thanks for the offer!"

Hongjoong picked up his pace to walk ahead of Seonghwa who was left idling on the side of the deserted road.

As much as he hated to admit it, Hongjoong was right. Grabbing the car was kind of a stupid idea after all.

He quickly parked and hopped out, chasing after Hongjoong.

"Wait up! I'm coming with you!"

Hongjoong turned around, completely shocked. Had he just won an argument with Seonghwa that easily?

He figured he owed it to him to wait as there wasn't much reason to search a few feet apart. Seonghwa finally caught up, a little out of breath.

"Alright then, let's go."

They walked around, going into libraries and academic buildings, searching all the rooms they could before finally taking a seat on a bench in the middle of campus.

"Ugh we're never going to find him this way," Hongjoong groaned, leaning his head back.

"Agreed," sighed Seonghwa.

As they were about to give up Hongjoong's phone pinged and he grabbed it hurriedly, hoping it was Yeosang.

It was actually Jongho, which was a good sign as well.


so this is really embarrassing but
it turns out yeosang went to the
library to study and fell asleep
so that's why he wasn't answering me
i'm really sorry for making you worry
thanks so much for looking for him

it's all good jongho!
I'm just glad he's okay 🥰

Hongjoong laughed to himself and sighed, shaking his head.

"What? Is it Yeosang?"

"Jongho said he's heading back now. He just fell asleep in the library," Hongjoong laughed and Seonghwa released a relieved sigh.

"Thank god. I have no idea how we would have ever found him by searching on foot," Seonghwa laughed and the two started laughing so hard their stomachs hurt. How had they thought they could find Yeosang by sending out a search party of two sleep-deprived college students?

Finally they calmed down and they each found themselves staring at their feet, not sure what they were supposed to do with themselves now.

"I guess, we should head back?" said Seonghwa with a shy smile.

"I guess."

But neither moved.

"You know, it's pretty nice out here in the middle of the night. I might have to do this again," laughed Hongjoong and Seonghwa chuckled.

"Definitely beats my stuffy dorm room."

They sat for a while, breathing in the cool night air. Seonghwa dared a glance at Hongjoong and saw he was staring at him.


"I'm sorry about what I said the other day. I didn't really mean any of it. Your major is just as hard as any other."

"You're sorry?! I'm the one who actually said anything offensive! And I swear I didn't mean it either! I don't know what comes over me I just lash out and—I think music majors are pretty brave and impressive. I could never even imagine having that kind of talent."

Hongjoong was pretty shocked to get an apology from Seonghwa. He wasn't sure if he ever had. They both smiled at each other, almost locking eyes.

That's when the rain started to fall.

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