Move-In Day 2

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The first week of training was finally over. Hongjoong desperately needed a break from Seonghwa. Finally there would be more than just those two on their floor.

Hongjoong waited outside the dorms excitedly, waiting for anyone from their floor to show up. This week was only for the athletes as their practices had to get going before their classes got too hectic. He knew there should be at least a few from his floor that would be arriving today.

A few cars pulled up at first and most of the kids either went to neighboring dorms or lived on a different floor. He still helped anyone who needed it but he was waiting in anticipation for anyone on his floor. Finally a sweet looking boy with black hair and a fox plushie approached him.

"Hi! What floor do you live on?" Hongjoong asked.

"Third!" responded the younger enthusiastically.

Hongjoong was so excited.

"Really?! Well I'm going to be one of your RA's this year! My name's Hongjoong, how about you?" he asked, grabbing a few of the boy's boxes to help him out.

"I'm San! Nice to meet you!"

"Nice to meet you too, San," smiled Hongjoong warmly and he led him up to the fourth floor.

When they reached the top of the staircase Seonghwa was out in the hallway filling up his water bottle.

"Oh hey! Are you on this floor?" he asked San.

"Yup! Are you the other RA?" San asked, walking towards him. Hongjoong groaned internally, having no choice but to follow him.

"Yeah! I'm Seonghwa, nice to meet you!"

"San! I live in room 306," San said, scanning the door numbers.

"Ah, that's right by me," smiled Seonghwa and he led them down the hallway.

Hongjoong hit his forehead on the box he was carrying a few times. He was the one waiting downstairs to help people out and yet Seonghwa was stealing the show! Maybe he should just go back down. San was in mediocre hands.

When they got to the room Hongjoong heard San gasp.

"Wow, it feels so real now that I'm here," he exhaled, looking around the crummy dorm room like it was a five-star hotel.

"Yup, it definitely starts to sink in now, huh?" Seonghwa laughed lightly and Hongjoong wanted to roll his eyes so badly.

Unable to sit and take Seonghwa's pretentious small talk anymore, Hongjoong set the boxes he was holding outside of San's door and sighed loudly.

"Well, I guess I better head back down to see if anyone else needs help! Seonghwa's got you taken care of!" he said with a beaming smile and turned, immediately scowling.

"Thanks for all the help Hongjoong!" San called.

Hongjoong felt a genuine smile come to his face and turned back to wave before continuing down the hallway.

He was about to head down the stairs when he saw a door by his room sitting ajar. A new floormate?

He walked over and gave a light knock before opening it.

"How's it going in there? I'm one of your RA's, Hongjoong! If you need any help, feel free to ask me! I live right over there," he smiled pointing to his room. The boy inside had red hair and was a bit intimidating for a freshman but had a very sweet smile.

"Thanks, I could really use some help unpacking. I'm Jongho," he said looking around the room at all of his bins.

"No problem! Let me help," smiled Hongjoong, glad to be of use.

They spent an hour or so unloading everything and finally they were done. Hongjoong showed him again where his room was and let him know that there would be a hangout tonight if he was interested before heading back downstairs to check for other students.

He helped a few more kids unpack and load all their stuff in their rooms and Seonghwa eventually came down to join him. In the end they had about 6 freshmen moved in and went back upstairs to set stuff up for the first ever hangout on their floor.

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