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Now that Seonghwa was alone in his room, realization started to hit him.

He just fucked Hongjoong.

His arch-nemesis, asshole roommate, Hongjoong.

In his expensive leather-upholstered car.

What the hell were they supposed to do now??

He wanted to regret it—tried to regret it—but he couldn't.

It was goddamn heavenly.

He almost wished Jongho had never texted so they could have lasted longer. Of course then the night probably would've ended much more awkwardly if they'd had time to think about it.

But maybe it wouldn't have? Maybe they would've had a chance to talk about it?

Now it was just confusing.

What did this even mean? Were they a thing now? Would they ever talk about it? Would it ever happen again?

Seonghwa sure hoped it would.

But maybe next time it could be after they had a genuine talk with one another about where they stand.

He almost wanted to go knock on his door now just to get it over with. But he was way too confused to talk to Hongjoong right now.

He needed to work through what the hell just happened before even looking at Hongjoong again.

Eventually his sleep-deprivation got to him and he was able to fall asleep quite effortlessly.


"Thanks for all your help, hyung," smiled Jongho, rubbing his eyes sleepily.

"No problem, Jongho. Sorry again for making you run around the hall."

"It's okay. I needed to be out of the room for a bit anyways."

"Is everything okay?" asked Hongjoong, concerned.

"Yeah I just keep getting worked up about Yeosang. I know he didn't mean to fall asleep but he could've at least told me he was going to study. I was really worried and he keeps looking at me like a crazy person for caring!"

"It's understandable that you're upset. But I think maybe you need to explain to Yeosang why you care so much. I know, you aren't really out yet so you don't have to tell him how you feel if you're not ready. Just sit him down and let him know that you aren't mad, you're just worried. Tell him that he means a lot to you and it was hard not knowing where he was. How does that sound?"

"That's pretty great advice," said Jongho with a shy smile.

"Good. Glad to know I've still got it," said Hongjoong with a sharp nod, placing his hands on his hips. Jongho laughed at him.

"Alright we'll I better go turn this in and head to bed. Sorry to keep you up all night."

"You're fine, I'm up most nights anyways," smiled Hongjoong and Jongho bowed slightly before leaving.

Hongjoong smiled and sat down on his bed, glad to be of use. He tried to lay down but his hood was getting in the way so he sat back up, ready to take the sweatshirt off.

But then he stopped.

This wasn't his sweatshirt.

This was Seonghwa's sweatshirt.

He panicked for a moment, worried that Jongho might have noticed (if anyone would, Jongho would).

He was pretty sure that Seonghwa had said the sweatshirt was only in his car, so he probably hadn't worn it around. Right?

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