I'll Be Right Back

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Everyone gathered in the lounge, somewhat awkwardly. A few people began chatting as Seonghwa and Hongjoong finished setting up board games and snacks. Seonghwa looked to Hongjoong and approached him.

"It seems like things are going well, right? It's normal for them to be shy."

"Totally normal. Remember when we first moved in together? You hardly ever said anything and just stared at me from your corner of the room," Hongjoong laughed and Seonghwa blushed.

That was not shyness. That was a big fat crush.

"How could I forget," he grimaced and Hongjoong laughed again walking over to the group. Seonghwa followed.

"Hey guys, how was everyone's first day at practice?" Hongjoong asked, gaining everyone's attention.

"Pretty good," was the general response.

"Let's go around and say our names, majors—if you've decided, if not that's totally okay—and sports! Jongho, why don't you start us off?"

Seonghwa watched everyone go around and share a few things. Everything was running so smoothly. Though it was a bit forced, Hongjoong was easily breaking the ice. A few kids had met earlier at their practices so some knew the other's sports and names already but those who were the only one from their team got a chance to make some new friends.

After just talking for a bit, Hongjoong and Seonghwa announced they would each be running a different board game so they were welcome to go to either table, but should make sure there would be enough players at each.

They each ended up with a group of three as all of the basketball boys went to Hongjoong and the three mixed sports came to Seonghwa.

The games were pretty fun but Seonghwa was mostly glad to get to know all their names and personalities. He was getting to know San pretty well now, after they'd spent a few hours chatting while unpacking and now playing games together. San told him about his incoming roommate Wooyoung who seemed pretty fun but a little crazy about the BTS member Jimin. Seonghwa laughed at that.

He looked over to see Hongjoong in an arm-wrestling battle with Jongho, and saw Hongjoong hold his own for a good few seconds before being demolished. He laid on the table dramatically and the other three laughed.

They locked eye contact then and Hongjoong mouthed to bring everyone together, so Seonghwa stood up, bringing his group back to the couches. Hongjoong did the same and then walked over to Seonghwa, whispering in his ear that he would be right back. Seonghwa was confused as he was told they were just going to switch between groups and play games all night.

When Hongjoong returned he had an acoustic guitar, holding the pick in his mouth. The audience of freshmen cheered for him, giving him a standing ovation as he tried to settle them down. He sat in the front of the group cross-legged and started testing the strings to make sure they were in tune.

"How long have you been playing guitar?" asked the boy who played tennis and Hongjoong smiled up at him.

"Since I was about 7 or 8. It was my second instrument after piano. But I guess that makes sense," he chuckled, finally settling the guitar in his lap.

Everyone waited in anticipation for a song. He was about to play when he stopped and looked around.

"You know, I can play pretty well but I'm not too great of a singer. I might need someone to sing along."

He turned his head to Seonghwa who nodded instinctively before realizing what he was asking.

"Wait—what!?" Seonghwa stuttered, his cheeks flushing.

"Oh come on, Seonghwa! You've got a great voice, I'll play whatever you want."

"No that's okay I'm sure there's other singers here," Seonghwa said, looking around desperately.

"I'm positive that I'm a better singer than you but I will relinquish my talents to spare you the spotlight," said Jongho with a bow. Seonghwa shot him daggers but it didn't do anything but make him gummy smile. Seonghwa couldn't resist the cute face.

"Okay fine. Whatever I want?"

"Whatever you want," said Hongjoong, looking at him expectantly.

So Seonghwa began to sing.

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