Help me big brother

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Seonghwa flew down the stairs, his mind focused on one thing: his brother.

As soon as he reached the bottom floor he flung the garage doors open and ran to his car, unlocking it on his way.

As soon as he reached the driver's side door he tore it open and got in, and attempted to start the car. His hands shook with fear and he struggled to get the key into the slot. As tears of frustration started forming in his eyes, a small hand steadied his and pressed it in, turning the ignition.

Seonghwa looked over, realizing he was so caught up in his brother that he hadn't even noticed Hongjoong had followed him.

"Get out!" he screamed and Hongjoong jumped back, startled by his outburst.


"I need to go, so get out!"

"Seonghwa I'm not letting you go alone—"

"Hongjoong, get out of the fucking car."

Seonghwa's voice had grown monotone but Hongjoong could see desperation in his eyes.


"I won't let him hurt you too."

Hongjoong felt tears welling in his eyes but nodded and stepped out of the car. As soon as he had closed the door Seonghwa sped off, veering out of the lot.

Seonghwa noticed his tears blurring his vision again and decided to let the anger take over, pushing down his fear and worry. His eyes dried but his grip on the steering wheel tightened.

After an hour of driving he finally saw the all-too-familiar grey mailbox coming into view and he cranked up his speed, flying up the driveway.

He slammed on the brakes, his seatbelt hardly keeping him from flying through the windshield and threw the car into park. As soon as it had ceased movement, he jumped out of the car, not bothering to turn it off or close his door.

He bolted up the front porch and threw the door open, hearing pained shrieks from the floor above. He felt his blood boiling but still his hands shook in panic. He knew where he needed to go. But he couldn't do it.

He stood, frozen at the base of the stairs. Listening to his brother's cries.

His mind went back to the nights spent in his father's study, the room lit by little more than a candle.

"Now haven't you learned your lesson yet? Trying to defend your little brother just gets you in more trouble. You stupid boy, you get your emotional side from your failure of a mother."

"Don't talk about her like that!" Seonghwa had dared to yell, but quickly regretted.

His father brought down his fists, smashing Seonghwa in the gut. He cried out, falling onto his back. His father kicked him again in the side.

"I'll talk about her as I please. She was my wife. You never knew her like I did."

Seonghwa caught his breath and tried to present an appearance of toughness but knew it wasn't working.

"Now go to your room and finish your studies. I don't want to hear another word out of you."

Seonghwa had leapt up, ready to run back to safety but his anger made him pause at the door.

"What? You want more?" growled his father, raising a hand and Seonghwa flinched.

"No, sir," he whispered.

"You know that I stop before leaving a mark. Remember what I told you boys? If there's no evidence, they can't catch you."

He'd smiled an evil grin.

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