Fuck my upholstery

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**smut warning** 👀👀

this is my first ever attempt so I'm sorry if it's
super cringy...i recommend that soft stans skip this chapter 😅

okay here goes...


"Oh—fuck! I forgot!" cried Seonghwa, jumping out of his seat and taking off.

"Seonghwa wait up!" Hongjoong chased after him.

The rain switched from a drizzle to a violent down pour but the two kept running. Seonghwa had removed his coat—which he was very glad he remembered—and was holding it over his head as he ran. Hongjoong unfortunately did not remember a coat, and hardly even brought shoes, his minion slippers a sad grey from the journey.

"Seonghwa let's go in here for a sec! We can wait out the rain for a moment!" Hongjoong called, pointing towards a campus building with an overhang. Seonghwa nodded and they stood pressed together under the small source of protection.

It wasn't until now that Hongjoong noticed the edge of Seonghwa's boxers poking out as he raised his arms above his head, holding the coat. He tried desperately not to notice again but his eyes continued to disobey him.

They waited for at least ten minutes before realizing it wasn't slowing down anytime soon.

"You know, we're already soaking wet. What's the harm in a little more water?" said Seonghwa, looking out at the never-ending waterworks.

"That's fair logic," sighed Hongjoong, preparing himself for the trek ahead of them. The dorm was still about a mile away but they could make it there pretty fast if they sprinted. But as Hongjoong began taking off towards the dorm Seonghwa pulled him back, almost knocking him over.

"What the hell!?" Hongjoong gasped, catching himself.

"Where are you going?"

Hongjoong looked at Seonghwa, confused. Then his mind went to the place it loved to go, and he thought Seonghwa might be implying that he wanted him to stay out here with him longer.

Hongjoong stared into his eyes, only glancing down at the boxers one more time—which was also when he noticed a bit of lower ab showing through as well. He would definitely stay.

"Don't you remember I have a car?" Seonghwa asked dumbfounded, and Hongjoong realized he was completely wrong.

"Oh, right," he smiled embarrassed. Of course they could just take the car! Stupid! But then he remembered something.

"Wait what about your fancy upholstery?" Hongjoong asked but Seonghwa was already dragging him along.

"Seonghwa! I don't want to ruin your car it's really not that far of a walk! Your upholstery is going to be destroyed if I sit my soggy ass in your—"

Seonghwa stopped in front of the vehicle and turned to Hongjoong.

"Fuck my upholstery."

He opened the door and shoved Hongjoong in, slamming it behind him before he could escape. Then he ran around to the driver's side and hopped in.

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