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Seonghwa opened his dorm and dropped his backpack on the floor, throwing himself down onto his bed. His presentation was finally over. Thankfully it had gone well. He found it was hard to focus on school lately with how much he worried about Hongjoong.

Now that he knew what he was actually going through, he couldn't help but feel guilty for everything he hadn't done. There's so much he could have done to support him if he had just taken time to pull his head out of his ass.

But that was the past. And now he could do something.

His current plan had been an utter failure. Hongjoong said he wanted to get in at JYP or SM. But Seonghwa couldn't shake the feeling that that wasn't entirely true. Though he didn't really know Hongjoong well enough to be certain, he didn't seem like he wanted to go some big name company. It didn't really seem like the right fit.

He decided his best bet was to reach out to one of his friends. Unfortunately, he didn't have any of their numbers. Whose number did he even want?

He tried to think back to everyone he'd met when they met for lunch on accident and remembered the Australian guy he sat next to.

What was his name again? Chris.

Maybe he could subtly get it out of Hongjoong? No. It would be way too obvious that he was planning something.

He tried to think of anyone he knew that might know Chris. Then, it struck him.

He remembered Hongjoong explaining how he knew Jinyoung's boyfriend. Jaebeom was Chris' RA partner. So if he got Jaebeom's number from Jinyoung, he could talk to Chris.

Quickly, he pulled out his phone.


hey random question
can u give me your bf's number


personal reasons

i thought you had jackson's
number already
pretend you didn't see that

only if you give me jaebeom's

here you go

Seonghwa added the number to his phone and sent a message. He had pretty much already figured out Jinyoung was seeing two different guys so it wasn't that big of a deal to him but he was glad he slipped up so he could get the phone number.


hi this is seonghwa
jinyoung's friend from the
double date

oh hi
how did you get my number


that makes sense
what do you need

can you give me chris' number


Seonghwa was surprised at how easy that interaction was, seeing he basically had to blackmail Jinyoung. He was grateful as he didn't know what he would say this time if he was asked for a reason.


hey this is seonghwa
hongjoong's RA partner

i know who you are 😉

what does the winky face mean

you know what it means 😉

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