is this kim hongjoong

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Hongjoong knew it was his turn to initiate conversation. But he couldn't bring himself to do it. Maybe it was just because it would be super awkward. Or maybe because he was scared.

It was really awkward to know that you exposed yourself entirely for someone and not know if they even liked you back.

He didn't want it to be one-sided. Well—was it even one-sided?? Did he really like Seonghwa??

Recently he hadn't been nearly as intolerable as before. In fact, he was honestly really fun to be around. Other than the one night they fought.

And who was to say they wouldn't fight again?

Just then his phone pinged and he went to check it.

unknown number

is this kim hongjoong

yes...who is this??

im jay b


oh sorry im chris' RA partner

ohhhhh i remember now

unknown contact changed to jay b

so what's up?

so my boyfriend and i are going on
a date and his friend has been struggling
with the dating scene recently so
my boyfriend wanted to take him on
a double date and chris said you
could use a good time

Hongjoong paused, looking up at the window. Was he in any shape to be going on a blind double date? His brain immediately went to Seonghwa. Was he obliged to be loyal? Were they dating? He was almost certain they were not. Plus, if anything, he could really use a distraction from the whole Seonghwa situation.

He sighed and looked back at his phone.

jay b

alright I'm down
what's he like?

super sexy
fat ass
oh wait
did you mean my boyfriend
or the guy you're gonna meet

the guy i'm gonna meet??
why would i want to know
about your boyfriend

cuz he's fucking hot
i dont know him very well
he's like a sophomore or something
and tall?

thanks that was really helpful

🤷 idk my bf didn't tell me much

it's fine ig
when and where are we meeting?

the mall on the south side
at 11

Hongjoong checked the time.


So he still had a few hours to get ready before heading over.

jay b

alright meet you there!
Onthanks for the invite!


Hongjoong set his phone down and went to take a shower. Afterwards, he planned out his outfit meticulously, choosing a black turtleneck with a grey over-sized blazer, and a pair of black jeans. He then used a peach colored scarf as an alternative to a belt. He then went to the mirror to put on a bit of foundation and eyeliner before moving on to his hair. After blow-drying it and giving it a bit of texture he put on a black headband and a pair of gold earrings. He finished it off with an ankle-high boot and gave a little twirl in the mirror. He decided to add a few gold rings and then grabbed some cash and headed out.

As he was walking towards the stairs he had almost made it to the end when none other than Seonghwa exited the bathroom, almost crashing into him.

"Woah!! You almost got me wet!" Hongjoong whined, making sure his outfit didn't show any marks.

But then it hit him. Seonghwa had just showered. And was in nothing but a towel. He looked back up again to see Seonghwa smiling.

"What're you so dressed up for?" he chided and Hongjoong somehow lost all confidence in his look.

"I'm—well—I just wanted to look nice. You don't like it?" he asked, regaining his cool. This time Seonghwa was frozen.

"Well—no—I mean you look really good—I mean—it's very well-coordinated. I was just wondering where you were going?"

"And how is that any of your business?" grumbled Hongjoong, sticking his tongue out.

"We've got the first 'Study Celebration' hangout planned tonight and I just wanted to make sure you would be there," Seonghwa responded.

"Oh—of course—obviously I'll be there. It's like—10:30. I'm not planning to be gone all day," Hongjoong groaned rolling his eyes as he started walking away, but a hand grabbed his arm and turned him back.

Hongjoong was now very close to Seonghwa and couldn't help but breathe in his oaky scent. Seonghwa released him but maintained eye contact.

"We need to talk."

Hongjoong wanted to run. He wasn't ready yet.

"I know."


"Just—not right now. I have to get going."

Hongjoong turned to get away.

"Tonight then."

Hongjoong paused. He knew they had to do it at some point.

"Okay, tonight."

He finally made his way down the stairs and hurried along the sidewalk, hoping the interaction hadn't made him too late.

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