01 | meeting gaara

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(Name) picked up her clipboard , and sauntered towards the bed where elderly Mrs. Suzuki stayed at .

    " Suzuki-san , it's best for you to avoid spontaneous movements , or any activity that puts a lot of strain on your body . I'll make it harder for you to heal ," she advised gently , a concerned look flashing in her clear eyes. 

Mrs. Suzuki gave her a toothy grin , and nodded. (Name) waved curtly at the old woman as she slipped out of the room , for she had to monitor the other patients.
(Name) became a nurse two years ago , after she graduated from a prestigious medical school in Konoha. From a young age , she greatly adored the idea of being able to help and care for people , in other words , become their aid , hence why she chose the profession. 

The hallway was silent , except for her own composed footsteps. She was about to enter another room , the echoing of rapid footsteps and a shout halted her actions.

     " (Surname)-san !"

I turned around to see my working colleague ,  Himari who was calling out for me.

" (Surname-san) ! The hospital director wants to see you ! He said something about the Kazekage or something like that ," Himari said.

I frowned. Why does the hospital director wants to meet me? And why is the Kazekage related to this?

" He also said he wants to meet you now ," she pressed.

I nodded. " Thanks Himari ," I said as I started to walk towards towards the office of Suna's hospital director.

I hope I didn't do anything wrong.


The sound of my fingers against the oak door synchronised along with my heartbeat. Am I going to get fired? I couldn't help but wonder.

" Come in ," a raspy voice echoed from
the inside.
I held the door handle and pulled it , the door opening with a slight click.

The door opened to reveal the elderly hospital director , Lady Chiyo and the fourth Kazekage , Rasa.

" Ah yes , (Surname-san). We've been waiting for you ," Lady Chiyo said.

I bowed at the Kazekage and Lady Chiyo.
" Is there anything I can help with ?" I asked.

The Kazekage observed me , and a smug smile appeared on his face - as if he is satisfied.

" (Surname-san) , I'd like to hire you as a personal nurse for my youngest  son , Gaara ," he spoke.

Personal nurse?

" You've demonstrated exceptional service , and I believe the Kazekage's son deserves the best , so I summoned you here ," Lady Chiyo said.

" Pardon , but why does your son require my services , Kazekage-sama? Does he suffer from .. A disease? " I asked , lining my words carefully.

I never knew the Kazekage had a third child. I have only heard about Temari and Kankurou , the most popular kids in Suna.

" He was born premature , and suffers from congenital heart disease. Gaara is confined to a wheelchair as a result , and he is also.. Depressed ," the Kazekage confessed.

I blinked. Gaara led a dreadful life. The Kazekage didn't describe that , but somehow I just knew. 

" I'll accept your offer ," I blurted.  I wanted to change Gaara's life , even though by a tiny bit. I wanted to drag him out from his depression.

The Kazekage smiled at me. " You will be staying at the Kazekage mansion . It'll be easier for you to monitor him , " he spoke.

I nodded. 

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