26 | a glitch in heaven

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' There was a time we didn't think about anything. There was a time we didn't care about anything. It was just you and me. Just you and me.'

" Do you remember this place, (Name)? " Gaara asked, which (Name) nodded to. 

How could she forget? It marked the start of the most memorable times of her life. When she looked at Gaara, she saw the old Gaara, which she loved so dearly. But when she saw the current Gaara, it was so foreign to her.  He was nothing more than a stranger.

To her, he wasn't Gaara. She nodded slowly.

​​​​​​' I don't remember you though '

Her heart lurched when Gaara grabbed her arm and brought her to the bench where he confessed to her.
It became hard for (Name) to breath, and even harder for her to think right.
      " (Name). Today, I'd like to ask you again. Will you marry me? Do you still love me ? " Gaara asked, looking straight into (Name)'s eyes.
      " You.. That day, I said I needed time. It wasn't even long.. But you abandoned me Gaara.. I wanted to give you my answer, but you weren't listening. You weren't even there to listen! " she burst in rage.
(Name) tried to break away from Gaara's grip, but she failed to.
               " I'm here now, " he soothed, making (Name) slowly melt into his embrace. 
               " You'd leave again.." she murmured softly, her eyes beginning to water.

               " I won't (Name). I can promise you that. I will never leave you.. " Tears steadily flowed from her eyes as she laid her head on his chest. Gaara pressed a soft , gentle kiss on her forehead , and she shut her eyes the moment his lips touched her skin. It was familiar.

His kiss felt so familiar.

                 " (Name)... Can you give me your answer ? " Gaara gently whispered into her ear , his embrace growing tighter. (Name) exhaled softly , and shut her eyes . 

' I love you so much . So damn much...' 

         " I .. I still love you Gaara. I always did .." A sob escaped her lips , and tears trickled down her cheeks. 

        " And yes .. I will marry you .." 

The moment felt like a taste of heaven to Gaara . The thorn in his heart had been plucked off , and the weight on his shoulders have been lifted . It was beautiful .

Unconsciously , his lips slid into a wide , joyful smile . His heart was filled with joy - so much joy . He held (Name) lovingly , resting his head on her shoulder .

          " I'll protect you (Name). I promise you I will . I'll cherish you with all my heart .. After all , you are my everything . My antidote ."

This time , the rain didn't fall . Instead , a soft gentle wind circulated around , bringing warmth and comfort for the two.

Kankurou stepped out of Dal.komm , a cup of iced green tea chai latte in his hands. The brown haired lad headed to his car , a sleek black Bugatti Veyron . The night was much more windy than usual , but there was nothing wrong with that . Nothing could be worse - his on and off girlfriend , Suzuna just broke up with him again - after a petty fight.

Of course , he had enough . Their recent quarrel sprouted from Kankurou's dislike of the Oshiro family - and most definitely the heiress Kamiko. He forgot that Suzuna was also an Oshiro through her mother . Nonetheless, he kissed the relationship goodbye . Not a kiss - more like headbutted it away.

Half way to his car , he spotted a girl . Her hair was a cross between dark gold and reddish brown , and her eyes bright chocolate brown . ' She's just another human being .. Not a ghost ! Just chill , will ya ?' 

He didn't chill . When the girl passed his side , his heart lurched and he lost balance - falling right in front of her . ' Oh damn..! This is so fucking embarrassing! '

The people around him didn't dare to laugh - he was the Kazekage's brother and advisor - jumping of a cliff is safer. Well , except for the girl . A soft giggle escaped her plump pink lips , and it turned into a loud chuckle that she tried hard to stifle .

              " Neo gwaenchana ?" she spoke. Kankurou raised an eyebrow at the phrase . " Huh?" He couldn't help but blurt.

Her vivid chocolate eyes widened all of a sudden . " Sorry ! I just moved here so I tend to speak my native language .." she murmured . A hand was held out to Kankurou, and he was pulled up by the girl who burst out laughing at him.

         " It's okay , I understand. By the way , since you're unfamiliar with this place , what if I show you around ? I happen to be a great tour guide , you know ," Kankurou couldn't help but say .

         " Of course you are ," she beamed brightly . " I'm Song Chae-yeon . What about you ? " 

              Kankurou pursed a smirk as his eyes softened at the sight of Chae-yeon. ' So pretty . ' " I'm Sabaku Kankurou , pleased to make your acquaintance ."

Chae-yeon let out another laugh , noting Kankurou's words. " Wait a minute - Sabaku ? " Her eyes were wide in horror , and her mouth gaped open .

        " Ah.. Am I going to be punished ? You know , for laughing at you ? " her voice was loud and ringing with fear. " Chae-yeon-" Kankurou couldn't even finish his sentence though.

        " Aww! I just started a new life ! Am I going to jail ? " Kankurou shook his head , a small laugh threatening to erupt.

" I'm not tyrannical ,"he chuckled . " By the way , can I have your number ? " 

An instant blush spread on her cheeks. ' So forward ..' She quickly masked it with a smirk . Chae-yeon whipped out a pen and paper , and wrote down her number .

           " You can contact me at 010 1234-1234 . It's Song Chae-yeon , okay ," she smiled. "By the way , I'm looking forward to you showing me around town . And a girl should always seal it with a kiss ." With that , she pressed a gentle kiss on the paper before handing it to Kankurou.

          " Annyeong  ! " she grinned before going on her way.

     ' He's really cute .. Just my type ..'

   ' She's so.. Hot .. And sassy . Just what I'm looking for.'

It was almost perfect - so close . Kamiko's eyes were narrowed as she slid on the black hoodie . It was so annoying , Gaara and (Name) .

       ' If I can't have you , no one can have you ! ' 

Her lips twitched with intense envy as she watched Gaara embrace the (h/c) haired girl with such gentleness and concern.  She watched the movements of their lips , and the motion of their eyes. 

           ' So .. So annoying ..' She gritted her teeth , and her grip on the cold knife grew tighter. Kamiko longed to run the blade on (Name)'s neck , and watch as the life left her eyes. Kamiko longed to rip out every single organ in (Name)'s body , and let the girl drain in her own blood.

Her madness was unbelievable- so obsessive , so insane. She couldn't wait , but the sight of Gaara forced her to back away . ' Just a little longer' she told herself . With that , Kamiko slowly backed away into the darkness .

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