28 | a love unlike any other

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' If we're not fated to end up together , why on Earth did I meet you in the first place ? Why did I feel a strong magnetic pull towards you ? Back then I didn't care . But now , I miss you like crazy '

Gaara stared at her lifeless body , eyes glassy with unshed tears. ' She'll be fine , Kazekage-sama. (Name)-san already passed the critical stage , and she should wake up in several days.' He knew that , but the fact that he actually let this happen to (Name) enraged him , it made him feel weak and it let him think he couldn't even protect her. The wound was deep , and she lost a lot of blood . Thankfully none of her major organs were harmed.

    He held out his hand and gently stroked her hair , and slowly moved down to her cheeks. Gaara caressed her cheeks and cupped them in his hands , and knelt down to kiss (Name). 

Suddenly , her fingers began to flex and her eyes twitched. She let out a cough and started to breath heavily. 
Gaara's eyes widened as he gently patted her cheek, and his other hand entwined with hers. 
    " (N..Name)... " he trailed off, feeling completely bewildered and weak. Gaara picked her up and cradled her in his arms, unwilling to let go. Tears started to streak down his face and it became harder for Gaara to breathe. 
     " Don't leave me (Name)... Please don't.. Stay with me, please.. "

' It's so painful.. Everything hurts..' (Name) slowly moved her limbs, but immense pain stopped her action. She felt hands cupping her cheeks, and soft lips crashed onto hers. 
' Is that you, Gaara? '
" Don't leave me (Name)... Please don't.. Stay with me, please.. "
That moment, she felt hot, fresh tears falling on her face and chest. 
   ' Don't  cry... Please don't cry...' 
She took a deep breath, and was instantly relieved when the oxygen filled her lungs. (Name) slowly gripped Gaara's hand back, a small smile forming on her face.
    " (Name), please be alright.. " That moment, her eyes slowly cracked open, and she could see Gaara's bloodshot eyes and tear stained face. Her heart sunk at the sight, but somehow she felt loved.

     " Gaara, " she called out, and Gaara's grip around her hand grew tighter, and a relieved smile formed on his face. Suddenly, (Name) felt herself enveloped into a warm embrace, and Gaara's arms wrapped around her like a cocoon.
     " You're alright.. Oh thank god you're alright.. "
(Name) never saw such a bright, elated expression on Gaara's face, and it filled her with happiness. She slowly returned the embrace, and rested her head on his chest. 
It was pure bliss.

" Gaara, what happened? " (Name) asked abruptly, and said man pulled away from the hug. Gaara pursed his lips, purposely avoiding eye contact.
    " I guess you remember the part where Kamiko attacked you right? " he inquired.(Name) nodded,  wincing slightly. It wasn't at all pleasant, and she had a wound to prove it. 
     " Why did she do it?  I don't think I wronged her in any way, " (Name) murmured. She struggled to sit up, but a jolting pain in her abdomen stopped her. She gritted her teeth, and her eyes slowly watered. 
     " Stop moving (Name). It'll just put you in more pain. You'll be fine soon, I'll make sure of that, " Gaara voiced. An unexplainable feeling of warmth and ease formed in (Name)'s soul, and she couldn't help but smile.
       " Alright." 

After a few days, (Name)'s condition improved rapidly. Gaara constantly visited her during nighttime, and guards surrounded every perimeter of hospital room. 
       Why wouldn't they? The events of last week made them realise that the Kazekage treasured (Name)'s life more than his own. And the Kazekage was vital in Suna's preservation. 
     (Name) sat upright in her bed, a book held in her delicate arms. Beside her was a tall tower of books, ranging from all sorts of genres. She was currently reading Stephen King's Carrie, a book that made her more alert about the things that go bump in the night. 
Gaara wasn't exactly fond of her reading horror stories, as he didn't want her to be reminded of the attacking incident through the gory scenes. Nonetheless, (Name)'s hard headed ways forced him to allow her. Afterall, he couldn't force her to read lousy romantic novels that bore him to no end.
     (Name) set the book on the nightstand and pulled the duvet all over her. It was only 9:21 pm, and Gaara usually visited at 11pm. She was tired in reading, so she pulled out the sleek, brand new iPhone 7 Gaara got her. (Name) opened a music app, and picked her favourite song, Pray (I'll Be Your Man) by BTOB. 
(Name) allowed the loud music to fill the uncomfortable silence, and she knew it wouldn't disturb other patients as her room was far away from others. She knew the guards were outside, but it didn't help her uneasiness a little bit. 

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