23 | cruelly

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' How are you doing now?  We parted our ways,  but I can't help but wonder,  how are you doing now?  Are you smiling?  Are you laughing?  I don't understand though - why are these tears falling?  I guess at least one of us deserves to be happy,  and I'm glad it's you. '

She never felt so made up before. Himari insisted that she looked presentable, so here she stood,  her hair curled to perfection and scarlet lipstick stained her naturally pink lips. 
(Name) stared at her uniform - a crisp white shirt underneath a burgundy blazer, and a matching pencil skirt to go with it. A tartan patterned ribbon adorned her hair,  completing the Le Chatte Rouge's look.  

Her charisma shone as she strutted through the restaurant in her bright red stilettos,  taking orders and dealing with customers. 
(Name) was assigned to the first  floor of the restaurant - specially for dates. 
The ground floor was for family dinners,  and the second floor was for company dinners,  and the rooftop was specifically for parties. 

(Name) sighed in relief as the last couple left the floor, and she headed to the second floor,  where situated a bar. 
    " Miyazaki-san,  give me a bottle of soju, " she said as she plopped into the bar seat. Miyazaki Akihito nodded as he retrieved a bottle of the Korean rice wine. 

The floor was void of people - it was already 12:30 am afterall,  but the insanely loud sound of Fifth Harmony's 'Worth It' from the party upstairs can still be heard. 

       " What's gotten you so exhausted? " Akihito asked,  raising an eyebrow at the (Surname) girl. 
        " Ah,  it's just that three dramatic incidents occured today. 
  Incident one, this guy had lunch with his mom - and the mom is pretty and youthful,  mind you. Eventually his wife misunderstood and stormed in and threw a tantrum. She even called her a bitch,  until she realised it was her own mother in law. "

Akihito laughed,  shaking his head. 

" Marriage life is scary.  Ah, what about incident number two? "

(Name) took a deep breath and prepared to tell the story. 
   " A lady got stalled up,  and waited for three hours.  Three hours okay? She started crying and got herself drunk on red wine. She began babbling nonsense,  and it was disturbing others. The thing is,  she refused to leave. I'll leave the rest to your imagination, " she huffed. 

Akihito simply grinned,  mustering a good response. " I know,  her date finally arrived on a sparkly rainbow unicorn. Eventually they left behind a trail of Skittles. "

(Name) shook her head and gulped down a shot glass of soju.  " Ugh,  it's bitter, " she murmured. 

" Well,  only immature people say it's bitter. To adults it tastes sweet,  (Name) dear."

She scowled,  popping a peanut into her mouth. 
     " There are 39 reservations for tomorrow . I'm done for. Say bye-bye to me. Huhuhu, " she murmured. 

" Actually (Name) ,  there's 40. I asked Madame Vaillancourt today. Just for you. " He winked. 

(Name) tried hard to resist the urge to hurl a brick directly to his face.
        " Damn it.. " 

Just as she was about to wallow in self pity, somebody ran into the room and began doing an odd dance.
         " Party!  Party! " Roland Takahashi burst. A bride to be badge was pinned into his hair, garnering raised eyebrows from (Name) and Akihito.

            " What? It's a bachelorette party, " Roland added as a matter of fact.

(Name) gave him an uninterested glance and continued to gulp down her soju. 
      " It's getting late. I should be going, " she spoke as she stood up. 

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